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Education Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2621-5799 (Online)

ISSN 2657-215X (Print)

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asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education cal for papers
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Students’ Local Cultural Identity and Its Assessment in Public and Islamic Junior High Schools
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Private Educational Institutions in Future Community Education Scenarios
Xuan Zhao, Chaocheng Zhou
China Private Higher Education Research Institute, China
The Status of Resource Availability and Science Teaching at the Junior High School Level in Ghana
Cosmos Eminah
University of Education, Winneba
Forms of Accommodation in 8 Mile Movie: How the Characters Implement Communication Accommodation Theory as an Affective Function
I Made Chandra Arya Putra, Kamaludin Yusra
The University of Mataram, Indonesia
General Administration of the Bang Bo 1 School Group under the Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Jittipong Supreeworakit, Suwit Salamteh
Sarasas Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
21st-Century Administrative Skills of School Administrators Based on Teachers' Perceptions in the Samut Prakan Primary Education Service Area 2
Narumol Sirisri, Sumitra Yapradit
Sarasas Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Development Guidelines for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Educational Management in Sarasas Affiliated Area 2 Schools
Sudathip Phothanida, Sumitra Yapradit
Sarasas Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Quality Management Process of the 7 Habits of Students in Sarasas Affiliated Schools
Boosayachart Choejaroean, Teerapon Kongnawang
Sarasas Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Teachers' Perspectives on the Use of Holographic Teachers in Future Education
Kübra Melis Avcu, Erol Koçoğlu
Fırat University (Turkey), Inönü University (Turkey)
Quantitative Inquiry in ELT: Exploring English Teacher Educators' Experiences and Insights
Gopal Prasad Pandey
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
The Effects of Plyometric Training Program on Leg Muscle Power of Basketball Players at Guangxi Polytechnic of Construction
Xiaoheng Liu, Singha Tulyakul
Thaksin University Thailand
Evolution of Program Evaluation: A Historical Analysis of Leading Theorists’ Views and Influences
Metin Kuş
Hitit University, Turkey
Finishing strong in May: Difficulties and Management Strategies at the End of the School Year
Marios Koutsoukos, Eleni Mavropoulou, Andreas Oikonomou
Hellenic Open University (Greece), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), ASPETE (Greece)
The Use of Good Governance Principles Affecting the Administration of Private School Administrators in Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District under the Office of Education, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Parichat Rakkrathok, Suwit Salamteh
Sarasas Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
The Role of Educational Institution Administrators in Internal Educational Quality Assurance of Private Schools Nonthaburi Province
Yuphaporn Weerapong, Nipitpholt Sanitlou
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
Ethnoculture: Educational, Pedagogical, Ethnological and Intercultural Research Perspective
Jairo Eduardo Soto-Molina
UNADE, Colombia
Revolutionizing Fitness: The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Activity
Simon Kormla Donkor
University of Education, Winneba
Methods for Supporting the Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills: An Experiment
T. Norovsuren, B. Munkh-Erdene, G. Nerguibaatar, B. Ariunzaya, T. Chantsaldulam
Mongolian National University of Education
The Study of Participatory Management of School Administrators in the Witthayaprakan Campus Schools Under Samutprakan Secondary Educational Service Area
Kitisak Pikunngoen, Theerapong Kongnawang
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
A Study of Teachers’ Opinions on the Development of Educational Quality Assurance Systems in Phanat Nikhom Group 4 Schools Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Rungtiwa Henchai, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Preservation of Cultural Identity in Digital Ecosystems
Kübra Melis Avcu, Erol Koçoğlu
Fırat University (Turkey), Inönü University (Turkey)
Implementation of Baklas Operation from the Lens of Elementary Teachers in Marawi City: Basis for a Policy Brief
Haniah M. Abdulmanan, Jamaelah D. Pumbayabaya, Alia I. Pacasirang, Norhanifah D. Guro, Amnah M. Baraiman
Mindanao State University
The Strategic Management of Administrators in the Bang Bo 2 School Group, Under the Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Intira Suksai, Teerapon Kongnawang
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
The Study of Student Support System Operation in the Suvarnabhumi Prakan Consortium under the Samut Prakan Secondary Education Area Office
Jukkrit Noisawat, Teerapon Kongnawang
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Using of Technology Digital for Learning Management of Teacher at School under the 30th Network School Group, Prawet District Office Bangkok
Wassana Thapkun, Nipitpholt Sanitlou
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Students’ Perception on the Application of Blended Learning within Clinical Rotation during the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran in 2021
Naufan Alpha Hariz, Agung Dinasti Permana, Shinta Fitri Boesoirie, Wijana, Sinta Sari Ratunanda
Universitas Padjadjaran, Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java, Cicendo Eye Hospital
Training Needs of Educators in Nursery and Preschool Centers
Anagnou Evaggelos, Fragkoulis Iosif, Papastavrou Panagiota
Hellenic Open University, ASPETE
Advancing Efficiency, Transparency, and Accuracy of Digital Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education
Khusnul Khotimah, Moh Danang Bahtiar, Yuni Fitriyah Ningsih, Maspiyah, Nur Ahmad Arief
State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Fostering Cross-Cultural Competence through Discourse-Based Language Teaching: English Teachers' Narratives
Gopal Prasad Pandey
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Evaluation of Health Literacy in Turkey in Line with Scientific Studies
Türkan Dal Biçer, Ramazan Biçer
İnönü University
Investigating The Lexical Concept of “War” & “Conflict” Concerning Israel vs Palestine in BBC 2023
Ariani Dwi Puteri, Elvi Citraresmana, Nani Darmayanti
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Study of Soft Skills that Students Need for Self-Development at Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
Suwit Salamteh, Nalinee Sutsavade, Sumitra Yapradit
Suvarnabhumi Intitute of Technology, Siam University
The Fields of Pragmatic Discourse Analysis
Ayten Rahimli Muzaffar
Baku State University, Azerbaijan
Transformation of Madrasah Management: Strategy to Increase Public Trust in State Elementary Madrasah 1 Grobogan
Ahmad Umar, Muhammad Munadi
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta (Indonesia)
What Makes an Efficient Adult Inmates’ Trainer?
Anagnou Evaggelos, Fragkoulis Iosif, Tzinavou Alexandra
Hellenic Open University, ASPETE
How Transformational Leadership Enhancing School's Performance: A Systematic Literature Review
Ardin Sianipar, Ayu Yulianti Putri
Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia
Self-Regulated Learning, Satisfaction, and Educational Performance: A Study of Undergraduate Accounting Students
Lauw Tjun Tjun, Bram Hadianto
Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
21st Century School Management Skills from Crisis Management by Private School Administrators under the Nonthaburi Provincial Education Office
Aitthikiat Nareebut, Sumitra Yapradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Mentoring in Kindergartens: Benefits for Newly Appointed Teachers, Mentors and Educational Organizations
Zacharoula Kontogianni, Εfthymios Valkanos, Maria Sytziouki, Iosif Fragoulis, Marios Koutsoukos
University of Macedonia, ASPETE, Helenic Open University
Teaching Behavior of Teachers in the Digital Age at Songvithaya Affiliated Schools
Ubonwan Chidthuam, Suwit Salamteh
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
Educational Evaluation and Professional Development of Teachers
Tsiligianni Maria, Vathi-Sarava Panagiota
University of Patras, Hellenic Open University
Education Administration Using the New Normal and Quality Approach in the Suwannabhumi Prakarn Secondary School Consortium under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Samut Prakan
Atirach Ganjampa, Sumitra Yapadit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
“Prominent” Epistemology in Reference Books of Islamic Education at Islamic Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia: Retracing Justificative Reasoning
Sabarudin, Mahmud Arif, Moh. Roqib, Syarnubi, Mardeli
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri SAIZU Purwokerto (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang (Indonesia)
Examining Self-Assessment of Student Teachers’ Self-Directed Learning: A Case Study at Battambang Teacher Education College, Cambodia
Da Bou, Louth Sran, Samruom Teu, Chhivrath Tep, Sinoeurn Kheuy, Savuth Vy, Vanny Dul
Battambang Teacher Education College (Cambodia), National University of Battambang (Cambodia), Preah Sihanouk Raja Buddhist University (Cambodia), Buddhism for Education of Cambodia (Cambodia)
Parental Occupational Factors and Academic Qualifications as Correlates of Students’ Examination Integrity in Secondary Schools in South-South Nigeria
Augustine E. Ejaigu, Rita Ogbodu
Delta State College of Education
The Use of Information Technology for School Administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools
Arun Salee, Nipitphont Sanitlou
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Academic Administration to Develop Proactive Learning Management for Teachers in Sarasas Affiliated Schools
Patthana Rotrut, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
Exploring the Role of Educational Videos in Teacher Training: Usability, Satisfaction, and Pedagogical Intentions
Vasileios Neofotistos, Eleni Mavropoulou, Christos Stergiou, Sofia Aslanidou, Andreas Oikonomou
University of Macedonia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ASPETE
Needs and Guidelines for Developing Innovative Thinking Skills of Private School Administrators in Samutprakan Province
Montira Jarungvittayakorn, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
The Influence of Loan Deposit Ratio, Liquidity Reserve Requirement Ratio, Leverage, and Company Size on Window Dressing: Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2018-2022
Shinta Noor Anggraeny, RB. Iwan Noor Suhasto, Santi Tyas Sasmita
State Polytechnic of Madiun, Indonesia
Consumption of Water, Environmental Awareness and Class Consciousness: Mismatches in the Praxis
Otacilio Antunes Santana
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Skill Development in Teaching Ancient Greek: The Role of New Technologies
Theodora Papageorgiou, Panagiota Vathi-Sarava, Iosif Fragkoulis
University of Patras (Greece), School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (Greece)
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Oral Communicative Skills in French Language Education
Eleni Mavropoulou, Panagiotis Arvanitis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Digitising Education: Augmenting the Learning Experience with Digital Tools and AI
Eleni Mavropoulou, Marios Koutsoukos, Dimitrios Terzopoulos, Christos Petridis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Indicators, Causes and Strategies of Curbing Burnouts among Lecturers of Some Universities in Cameroon
Lilian F. Wiysahnyuy
The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
The Effect of Teacher Competence on Learning Implementation in Project Based Blended Learning Model
Chornia Putrantasa, Siti Masitoh, Andi Mariono, Fajar Arianto
Surabaya State University, Indonesia
A Badiouian Look at Education: Event and its Potential Effect on Curriculum
Masoud Niati
Marmara University
Research on the Path and Strategies for Cultivating Social Entrepreneurship Talent among College Students from Zhejiang Province from the Perspective of Social Innovation
Song Lulu
Zhejiang University of Financial & Economics Dongfang College
Is there a Gap Between the Qualities and Abilities that Universities Foster and those Expected by Companies?
Yutaka Kurihara
Aichi University, Japan
English Teachers’ Perception on the Impact of CPD Practices in Basic Education in Kerala, India
Roy Mathew, Marilu R. Madrunio
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
The Effectiveness of Interactive Video on Digital Literacy of Students with Hearing Impairments
Fajar Arianto, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Lutfi Isni Badiah, Dede Idawati, Rina Dwi Kurniawati
Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia), Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya (Indonesia), SLB Kemala Bayangkari 2 Gresik (Indonesia)
An Intelligent Model for Non-academic Learner Support Services in Open Education in China: A Counselor’s Perspective
Jiangxia Yang, Xichun Han
The International Department of SSDFZ, Open University of Xi'an
Effectiveness of Learning Model Based on Sustainable Development for Indonesian Prospective Electrical Engineering Educators
Hamonangan Tambunan, Dadang Mulyana, Mega S. Dewy, Muhammad Isnaini
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
Innovation of Teaching Methodology for Improving English Language Skills: Suggestopedia for Teaching Reading and Writing
Steven Darío Menéndez Meza, Cintya Maribel Zambrano Zambrano, Jhonny Villafuerte-Holguín
University Eloy Alfaro de Manabi, Ecuador
Learning Media of Sundanese Traditional Games in Early Childhood Education
Mokhamad Syaom Barliana, Mirna Purnama Ningsih, Indah Susanti
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
A Resonant Learning (RL) Framework
Charles White, Lawrence Wilde
University of Erfurt, University of Siegen
The Benefits and Challenges of Augmented Reality in the Science Classroom: A Narrative Review
Taha Mansor Khawaji
Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
The Impact of Effective Communication and Cognitive Development on Early Childhood Language Development
Samihah Hilyati, Rusijono, Andi Mariono, Fajar Arianto
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Students’ Satisfaction with Academic Service Quality in Guidance and Counseling Study Program
Yosef, Muhamad Yusup
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Students’ Specific Needs Frequently Presented in English Language Class in Ecuador: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Hearing Disability
Wendy Nayely Ponce Ponce, Jean Pierre Pineda Reyna, Jhonny Villafuerte-Holguin
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Developing an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda in Intercultural Competence for Rural Teacher Training
Jairo Eduardo Soto, Andrés Colón, Javier Barrios, Jhony Llinas
Universidad del Atlántico
Increasing Vocabulary Acquisition in the English Language Class: Using Origami in Community Service Projects
Andrés David Morillo Toro, María Belén Negrete Yanqui, Verónica Vanessa Chávez Zambrano
University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador
Indonesia’s RSBI Project: Looking Back and Lesson Learnt
Rachma Noviani
University of Toronto, Canada
The GameStop Short Squeeze as a Case Study in Business Law Education
Tara Pomparelli
Monmouth University
Fidelity of Implementation (FOI) of the Grade 10 English Curriculum: Developing a FOI Framework for Curriculum Delivery
Abigail A. Alviz, Arlene S. Opina
Centro Escolar University
Planning and Implementation of an Educational Programme for Adult Educators’ Training: The Case Study of a 25-hour Distance and Face-to-Face Programme
Marios Koutsoukos, Eleni Mavropoulou, Stavroula Antonopoulou, Erikaiti Fintzou
ASPETE (Greece), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), American Farm School (Greece)
Using Smart Phones in Learning Among the University Students: Its Activities and its Importance
Ahmad F. Al Alwan, Khaled A. AL Atyat
Hashemite University (Jordan), Al Balqa Applied University (Jordan)
Integrated Intervention on the Linear Growth and Psycho-Cognitive Development of Malnourished Children Aged 6-59 Months in Kanam, Plateau State, Nigeria
Sunday Jacob, Audu Andrew Jatau, John Wukatda Darbe, Falade Job Olakunle, Helen. S. Jacob, Mohammed Buhari
Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Gamification to Strengthen Children’s Motivation to Learn English as a Foreign Language in the Community Development Centers
Axcel Ivan Luzardo Burgos, Gustavo Alexander Moreira Alay, Ulbio Gonzalo Farfán Corrales, Jhonny Saulo Villafuerte Holguín
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador
Gamification for Learning English as a Second Language in Sri Lanka
Chamod Malintha, L. K. Pulasthi Dhananjaya Gunawardhana
University of Sri Jayewardenapura, Sri Lanka
The Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa Movie: A Sociolinguistic Study
I Made Chandra Arya Putra, Yuni Budi Lestari, Muh. Isnaini, Sudirman Wilian
The University of Mataram, Indonesia
Unpacking Mutual Expectations in a Scavenger Family: A Case Study Investigating the Parent-Child Relationship
Bastiana Bastiana, Abrar Abrar, Reza H. Dynasti
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
The Effect of the Harezmi Education Model on Secondary School Students’ Science Academic Achievement
Ayşenur Zeybek, Sema İrem Orhan, Abdullah Aydın
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Kastamonu University (Turkey)
Analyzing the Social Impact of Informal Education in Vietnam in the Early 20th Century
Pham Van Thinh
Thu Dau Mot University, Vietnam
Unlocking the Potential of Visionary Leadership: A Study on Shared Vision, Teamwork and Team Performance
Pauline P. L. Chin
Meragang Sixth Form College
Factors of Institutional Trust: A Study of Students in Mindanao State University-Marawi City
Wardah D. Guimba, Sittie Alaisah R. Saripada, Fahida A. H. Jamal, Lotis B. Daguisonan, Cherrilyn N. Mojica
Mindanao State University, Philippines
Positive and Negative Experiences of Meranao Adolescent Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Method Analysis
Wardah D. Guimba, Moamerah K. Yusoph, Janessa A. Mocali, Cherrilyn N. Mojica, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University, Philippines
Parents Home Learning Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Colaizzi Method
Berthylyn Y. Navarez, Jumelee P. Pintac, Wardah D. Guimba, Adelyn S. Nalla, Lotis B. Daguisonan, Cherrilyn N. Mojica
Mindanao State University, Philippines
How Can Humanities Quality General Education Courses Help Cultivate Innovative Talents?
Yang Liao, Li Meng
South China Agricultural University, China
The Impact of Social Safety Net (SSN) as Social Protection for the Lives of Poor and Vulnerable in Sylhet, Bangladesh
Mohammad Fakhrus Salam, Habibur Rahman Masrur, Mohammad Shakil Bhuiyan
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Adopting OBE Curriculum Approach: University Faculty Members’ Cognition, Experiences, Attitudes and Challenges
Wardah D. Guimba, Arief S. Pascan, Maihanie P. Nasser, Roseniya G. Tamano, Rohanie M. Sultan, Cherrilyn N. Mojica, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University, Philippines
Creative Challenge-Based Learning Model via Digital Co-Learning Space to Develop Creative Genius Innovator
Kriangkrai Palasonthi, Pallop Piriyasurawong
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
Enhancing Writing Skills Through PBL at Higher education Institutions: A case Study
Mariam Kilanava
The State Teaching university of Physical Education and Sport, Georgia
Lifelong Learning Review in Contemporary Japan
Xuan Zhao
Zhejiang Shuren University, China
The Indonesian Independent Curriculum Requires Student-Centred Teaching Approaches: Does the Teacher Guide Accompanying a Grade VIII Ministry-Published Mathematics Textbook Assist Teachers?
Dewi Rahimah, Agus Susanta, Edi Susanto, Tria Utari
Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
The Experiences of the School Principals on the Implementation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in Lanao Del Sur, Philippines
Norfaesha A. Balindong, Minerva-Saminah M. Naga, Wardah D. Guimba, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University, Philippines
School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) in the Context of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM): A Policy Assessment
Nasrola M. Datumaas, Minerva-Saminah M. Naga, Wardah D. Guimba, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University, Philippines
A Qualitative Study on MBHTE-BARMM Supervisors’ Approaches to Achieving Work-Life Responsibilities
Asnaida T. Lampaco, Minerva-Saminah M. Naga, Wardah D. Guimba, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University, Philippines
Assessing the Implementation of the MBHTE-BARMM Science Learning Modules: Exploring Issues, Challenges, and Suggestions for Policy Development
Norsaima U. Umpara, Wardah D. Guimba, Minerva-Saminah M. Naga, Lotis B. Daguisonan
Mindanao State University
The Effects of the Combined Training Program on Agility in Football Players
Somchai Thammathes, Singha Tulyakul
Thaksin University
A Study on Educational and Training Needs Assessment of Professionally Active Agronomists in the Area of Central Macedonia, Greece
Evgenia Efthymiadou, Efthymios Valkanos, Marios Koutsoukos, Maria Sytziouki
University of Macedonia, Hellenic Open University
Online Learning in Marcuse's Critical Theory Perspective
Marselus Ruben Payong
Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng
Exploring Thai EFL Undergrads’ Challenges in Constructing and Sequencing Turns to Make Friends
Kornsak Tantiwich, Kemtong Sinwongsuwat
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Adult Educators’ Views on Effective Mentoring in Greece: A Qualitative Study
Iosif Fragkoulis, Lemonia Stavlioti
Hellenic Open University (Greece), Ministry of Education (Greece)
Innovative Entrepreneurship Characteristics that Affect the New Normal School Administration of Sarasas Affiliated Schools Administrators
Tassada Songsiri, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
Linguistic Skills Development of Adults in Learning English as a Foreign Language: Speaking Skill in Ecuadorian Entrepreneurs
Daleska Zambrano Muñoz, Raquel Vera Solórzano, Cintya Zambrano Zambrano, Gabriel Bazurto Alcívar
Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
Teachers’ Enneagram Personality Types, Their Perceived Organizational Culture and Mediation Attitudes*
Pelin Karaduman, Münevver Çetin
Dogus University, Marmara University
Guidelines for Promoting the Mental Health of Sarasas Affiliated Schools Teacher
Punya O-sod, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
Development of Social Competence of Future Tourism Specialists by Conducting Excursions within the Framework of English Language Classes
Madina Ozturk
Academy of Tourism in Antalya, Turkey
Teaching at the Right Level: From Pre-service Teachers’ Perspective to Design of Teaching Material
Hasan Busri, Ari Ambarwati, Khoirul Muttaqin, Gusti Firda Khairunnisa
Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia
Developing A SERVQUAL-Based Scale for Measuring Student Satisfaction with Academic Service in Higher Education
Yosef, Arief Rachman Ibrahim, Muhammad Yusup, Damar Tutur Wicaksono, Putri Amalia
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Children Early Nutrition Supplementation and Augmenting Factors in Teaching of Reading in Lungwena, Mangochi District, Malawi
Chikondi Maleta, Edrinnie Kayambazinthu, Anthony Chigeda, Patrick kambewa
University of Malawi
Nurturing Excellence: An Evaluation of the Higher Education Quality Assessment Model from the Perspective of Undergraduate Students in Somalia’s Benadir Region
Abukar Mukhtar Omar, David Onen, Irene Etomaru
SIMAD University, Makerere University
Student Responses to Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Regarding Learning Loss When Experiences Outside Campus
Suyono, Agus Purnomo, Nevy Farista Aristin
Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Research on the Strategies for Cultivating College Students' Digital Innovation Abilities in the Context of the Digital Intelligence Era
Jialu Wu, Jiating Tang
Zhejiang University of Financial & Economics Dongfang College
A Study of the Problematic State of Teachers' use of Innovation in Teaching and Learning Management at Thailand National Sports University Chon Buri Campus
Arthicha Unarmat, Kanika Inchana, Thanarit Thanaiudompat, Jakkarpan Semoum
Thailand National Sports University Chon Buri Campus
Analyzing Jeanne's Character and its Tragic Elements in Une vie from Hippolyte Adolphe Taine's 'Three Elements' Perspective
Luyao Xia, Mengyan Xie, Xinyi Zhu, Li Chao
Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Dongfang College, China
Results of a Postgraduate Survey of Physiotherapists who Participated in an Undergraduate International Exchange Program
Kazumasa Nakagawa, Yuko Takahashi
Takasaki University of Health and Welfare, Japan
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Models on Improving High School Students’ Learning Achievement
Nurmiati, Phika Ainnadya Hasan
West Sulawesi University, Indonesia
The Influence of Teachers’ Wages on Student Performance in Mathematics and Reading at Urban and Rural Primary Schools in Burkina Faso
Sayouba Ouedraogo
University Thomas SANKARA, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
A Teaching Note on Contracts
Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa
Does Getting into a First-Choice University Affect Learning Attitude in Japan?
Ryo Takeshita
Chukyo University, Japan
Trainee Teachers Attitudes toward Macro-Teaching: Resource Impact and Mentors Perspectives
Isaac Amoako, Robert Kwadwo Siemoh, Vera Arhin, Ruth Keziah Annan-Brew, Adu Joseph, Kenneth Asamoah-Gyimah
Atebubu College of Education (Ghana), University of Cape Coast (Ghana),
Promoting Religious Moderation Among Post-Conflict Students’: A Need Analysis of Gamification Interactive Multimedia
Nur Fajar Arief, Tono Viono, Akhmad Tabrani
Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia
Predictors of Examination Integrity among Secondary School Students: Framework for Proactive Actions Against Examination Malpractices
Fidelis O. Igbe, Nathaniel Ethe, Moses C. Ossai
Delta State College of Education
Leadership's Role in Effective Quality Assurance Implementation in Higher Education Institutions
Muhammad Nadeem
Victoria University of Wellington
Learning Takes Flight: Empowering Growth through Dialogic Teaching in Individual Badminton Lessons
Pauline P. L. Chin
Meragang Sixth Form College
Educational Field Trips as Part of Teaching Methodology in Adult Education
Marios Koutsoukos, Antonios Mouratidis, Eleni Mavropoulou, Iosif Fragoulis
ASPETE (Greece), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Hellenic Open University (Greece)
Has the Experience of Online Study under COVID-19 Improved Outcomes of Study in Universities?
Yutaka Kurihara
Aichi University, Japan
Education Development Programming: Responsiveness and Adaptability of the Implementation of the Malawi National Reading Programme in Lungwena, Mangochi District
Chikondi Maleta, Patrick Kambewa, Edrinnie Kayambazinthu, Anthony Chigeda
University of Malawi
Enhancing Student Engagement in Legal and Criminological Modules: An Andragogical Approach in Higher Education
Nephat Shumba, Sayed Reza Hussaini
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Evaluation of Demonstration Learning Models in Improving Vocational Student Learning Outcomes
Mesterjon, Suwarni, Dwi Rulismi, Supama
Universitas Dehasen, Universitas Gadjah Mada
A Survey Study of a Catechism Course in Academic English Writing
Jiangyu Chen, Huijia Shen, Shuhang Hu
Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics
The Key Connection Between the Elements of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Mathematics Performance: Literature Review
Aishath Shaheema, Ali Sorayyaei Azar, Albattat Ahmad
Management and Science University
Quality in Education: Ascertaining the Use of Rubrics for Successful Implementation of OBE at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh
Tasnia Farzana, Adil Ilahi
Cox’s Bazar International University
Effectiveness of Multimedia versus Traditional Teaching Methods on Chemistry Practical Performance among Senior High School Students in Ghana
Raphael Foster Ayittey, Delphine Abla Azumah, Kwaku Darko Amponsah, Priscilla Commey-Mintah
West Africa Senior High School, University of Ghana, University of South Africa, OLA College of Education
Leadership Challenges and Strategies in Pakistan's Higher Education System
Muhammad Nadeem
Victoria University of Wellington
Characteristics of Student Entrepreneurs in State Universities in Indonesia
Ghufronudin, Anis Suryaningsih, Bagas Narendra Parahita, Lies Nurhaini, Nur Fatah Abidin
Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Indonesia
The Paradigmatic Nature of Social and Human Research
Jairo Eduardo Soto-Molina
Universidad del Atlántico
Smart System Empowerment Through Virtual Business Incubator to Increase Student Entrepreneurial Capacity in Higher Education
Muhammad Hidayat
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia
Academic Supervision and Professional Performance of State High School Teachers
Indra Prasetia
Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
Principals’ Leadership Styles and Public Senior Secondary Schools Administrative Effectiveness in Oyo State, Nigeria
Adekemi Felicia Opatunde, Afolakemi O. Oredein
Lead City University, Nigeria
Experience Future Career: The Paradigm of Applied Learning Curriculum in Hong Kong Secondary School
Xuan Zhao, Chaocheng Zhou
Hong Kong Macao Taiwan Research Center
A Teaching Note on Remedies for Breach of Contract under the Uniform Commercial Code
Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa
Crisis Management Strategies for School Leaders Affecting Academic Administration in Private Schools Under Nakhonratchasima Province Education Office
Pachinee Sinlapapiromsuk, Nipitpholt Sanitlou, Sumitra Yapadit, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Tangible Resources and Effective E-Learning Implementation in Selected Ugandan Public Universities
Wilson Mugizi, Joseph Rwothumio
Kyambogo University
Measuring the Learning Effectiveness of Two Courses in a Program in Accounting Data and Analytics
Clarence Goh, Magdeleine Lew, Gary Pan, Poh Sun Seow
Singapore Management University
Survey on Ecological Ethics Status of Vietnamese Students of Economic and Business Administration Sector in the Current Period
Le Thi Hong Thuan, Nguyen Thuy Linh, Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy, Nguyen Chi Thien, Ngo Thanh Mai, Nguyen Thi Hoan
National Economics University, Vietnam
Exploring the Recontextualisation Process in Developing the Plant Biotechnology Course: A Bernsteinian Analysis
Mafunase Mwale, Overson Shumba
The Copperbelt University, Zambia
The Case Study Method in the Accounting Classroom
Diana Tien Irafahmi, Sriyani Mentari
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Raising of Tolerance Consciousness Through Multicultural Education in Post-Conflict Regions of Indonesia
Joshua Fernando, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Pudji Muljono, Rustono Farady Marta
IPB University (Indonesia), Mpu Tantular University (Indonesia), Satya Negara Indonesia University (Indonesia)
Agriculture Teachers’ Perceptions on the Inclusion of Indigenous Technical Knowledge in Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum, Nakuru County, Kenya
Monica Chepngetich Samoei
Egerton University
Program Development for Enhancement of Teachers’ Supervisory Competency of Dual Vocational Education System in Educational Institutions under Vocational Education Commission
Yuphawadee Siripeeri, Prayuth Chusorn, Chaiyuth Sirisuth
Northeastern University, Thailand
The Effects of Charismatic Aspects of Transformational Leadership on Personal Outcomes: An Empirical Literature Review
Lin Chunhui, Ali Sorayyaei Azar, Albattat Ahmad
Management and Science University (Malaysia), Yulin Normal University (China)
Voices of Tourism-Related Personnel Regarding Their Problems and English Language Needs: A Case Study of the Tourism Industry in Phang Nga, Thailand
Ladawan Jantawong, Kanyakorn Sermsook, Rattaneekorn Nakplad
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand
Assessing the Effects of In-service Training on the Performance of Ghanaian Basic School Social Studies Teachers
Francis Yeboah, Muriel Mavis Dangah, Eric Kofi Adjei
Offinso College of Education (Ghana), Seventh-Day Adventist College of Education (Ghana)
A Teaching Note on Strict Liability in Tort
Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa
Effective Leadership in Decision Making and Mediation in the Relationship Between Educators and Parents: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Western Macedonia, Greece
Charisopoulou Marina
School Counselor in Primary Education of Kozani District Unit
Effects of Mastery 5Es Constructivist Teaching Approach on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya
Ednah C. Kibor, G.C.W Ndeke, Patriciah W. Wambugu
Department of Curriculum Instruction and Educational Management
Exploring a Blended Learning Comprehensive Transformation Process for a Non-Lab Based Graduate Course at UAE University
Khaled Galal Ahmed
UAE University
Using an Animation Movie to Develop Ability of Stress in English of Primary School Students
Rattaneekorn Nakplad, Vikrom Chantarangkul, Kanyakorn Sermsook, Praepan Eiadkaew
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand
A Teaching Note on Misrepresentation and Fraud
Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University; University of Tulsa
A Study of Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs, Mathematics Teaching Anxiety and Motivation towards Teaching Mathematics
Belal Sadiq Rabab'h
University of Bahrain
Assessing Psychometric Properties of a Learning Styles Indicator vis-à-vis ELI Students within Saudian Context
Nisrin A. Hariri, Khushnoor Khan, Fariha Rehman
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Concept Questions and Alternatives: Easing Check Understanding
Délcio Jacob Felicidade Tweuhanda
Enhancing High School Students' Understanding of Plant Diversity through an Innovative and Engaging Educational Card Game
Ariya Suriyabutr, Pratchayapong Yasri
Mahidol University (Thailand), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand)
Guidelines to Improve Effectiveness of Educational Institution Administration by Using Transformational Leadership of Administrators, Thailand
Nuchanart Posuwanwattananun, Sumitra Yapadit, Nipitpholt Sanitlou, Anusorn Nampradit
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology
A Teaching Note on Warranties
Richard J. Hunter, Jr, John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa
The Precarity of the Nigerian Public University Education: Considering Alternative Models
Abiodun Odusote
University of Lagos, Nigeria
The Impact of Self-motivation on the Effective Job Performance of Staff: A Case Study of a Private Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Emma Juliana Adnan, Ali Sorayyaei Azar
Management and Science University, Malaysia
Evaluation of Turkish Teaching Set Prepared for Syrian Immigrant Students in Turkey According to Teachers' Views
Ümmü Gülsüm Altıner Bozlak, Halit Çelikkaya, Ali Önal, Ayhan Kıraç
Ministry of Interior (Turkey), Ministry of National Education (Turkey)
Teaching Notes – Employment Discrimination
Richard J. Hunter., Jr, John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa
Implementation of Inclusive Education in Ghanaian Colleges of Education: Factors that Influence the Tutors' Perception
Samuel Nti-Adarkwah, Philip Boateng, Jonathan Kwame Mensah, Eric Appiah-Kubi
Offinso College of Education, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Berekum College of Education
Relational Victimisation and the Psychosocial Maladjustment of Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Cameroon
Shien Vera, Lilian F. Wiysahnyuy, Joseph Lah Lo-oh
University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Learning: An Evolutionary Perspective
André Petitat
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
The Story of the Bow and Arrow: Through the Eyes of Children
Aylin Özge Pekel, Esra Soy, Nagihan Kırıkoğlu, Hacı Ahmet Pekel
Gazi University, Turkey
The Investigation of Turkish Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes to Digital Reading and Time of Printed and Digital Reading
Selvi Demir
Kilis 7 Aralık Universtiy, Turkey
Redundancy and Economy as a Dialectical Manifestation of Language Units
Isayeva Safura Ilgar Gizi
Western Caspian University
Translation Equivalence of Hyperbolic Expression used in iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone SE 2022 Official Webpages
Qotrunnada Sabila, Jumanto Jumanto, Rahmanti Asmarani
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Indonesia)
Teaching and Promoting Independent Use of Reading Strategies in the Middle Schools
Yusuf Uyar, Murat Özbay
Gazi University (Turkey), Kırıkkale University (Turkey)
Contributions of Digital Competencies toward the Speaking Skills in English Language Classes in Ecuadorian Elementary Schools
Juan Pin Mero, Marcos Saltos Mendoza, Jhonny Villafuerte-Holguín
University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (Ecuador)
A Teaching Note on Antitrust and Business
Richard J. Hunter, Jr., John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tulsa
Paradigms for Contextualizing Competency Based Curriculum in Africa: Inferences from the OECD Countries
Yasin Mohamed Gulled
National Taiwan Normal University
Investigation of Trait Anxiety and Death Anxiety Experienced in the Covid 19 Pandemic in Terms of Physical Activity Status
Deniz Bedir, Sevinc Namli
Erzurum Technical University, Turkey
A Teaching Note on Negligence: Palsgraf Revisited
Richard J. Hunter. Jr, John H. Shannon, Henry J. Amoroso
Seton Hall University, University of Tusla
Use of Informal Learning Environments in Turkish Language Teaching
Rasit Koc
The University of Van Yüzüncü Yıl, Turkey
Exploring the Recontextualisation of Biotechnological Knowledge in the Plant Biotechnology Course: A Bernsteinian Analysis
Mafunase Mwale
Mukuba University
An Investigation of the Piano Lessons Repertoire Applied in the Music Education Departments Based on the Views of Teaching Instructors
Hakan Koparanoğlu, Şirin Akbulut Demirci
Bursa Uludag University, Turkey
The Effect of Motivation to Participate in Sports on Happiness Level in University Students
Tuncay Öktem, Yunus Emre Çingöz
Bayburt University (Turkey)
A Correlational Study of Happiness and Self-Determination among Vietnamese Students Across Educational Levels
Lam Huy Phuong, Pratchayapong Yasri
HACA International School (Vietnam), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand)
The Investigation of the Pre-service Social Studies Teachers Perceptions of Self-Efficacy on the Digital Literacy Skills
Sercan Kocaer, Mehmet Aydın
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey)
Influencing Factors on Four Chinese Grand Theaters’ Brand Image
Zhexin Li, Sarana Photchanachan
Shinawatra University, Thailand
A Study of Yuediao Folk Music Knowledge Development in Zhoukou, Henan Province, China
Lei Li, Awirut Thotham
Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Knowledge of the Historical Development of Chinese Xiansuo Folk Music in Quinghai Province's Hehuang District
Gang Chen, Peerapong Sensai, Warakorn Seeyo
Mahasarakham University, Thailand
A Study on the Development of Henan Zhuizi Folk Music Knowledge in Kaifeng, Henan Province, China
Chao Ren, Awirut Thotham
Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Knowledge of the Historical and Contemporary Status of Dong Ethnic Group's "Da Ge" Folk Music in Liuzhou, China
Hengbin Wu, Peerapong Sensai, Akapong Phulaiyaw
Mahasarakham University, Thailand
Systematic Review of Smart Classroom for Hard Skills Training in Augmented and Virtual Reality Environments
Thiti Jantakun, Kitsadaporn Jantakun, Thada Jantakoon
Roi Et Rajabhat University (Thailand), Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University (Thailand)
The Effect of Lego Robotics Coding on Primary School Students' Academic Achievement and Attitudes of Science
Orçun Bozkurt, N. G. Pasabeyoglu
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Ted Hatay College
The Process of Transferring Knowledge through Grand Songs Among the Dong Ethnic Group in Southeast Guizhou, China
Hang Cao, Narongruch Woramitmaitree
Mahasarakham University
Investigation of the Historical Development and Knowledge Guidelines of Contemporary Guangxi Vocal Music in China
Pang Yi, Jarernchai Chonpairot, Warakorn Seeyo
Mahasarakham University
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