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Manuscript Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in submitting your manuscript for publication under the Asian Institute of Research. Before we continue the process of blind peer review, we will need authors to complete this form of checklist and declaration.

Upon the completion of this online form, your submitted manuscript will undergo a blind peer-review process.

Before submission, please keep in mind that none of our publications have been indexed in Scopus.

Authors have the right to list three preferred reviewers (please include the name, affiliation, and email), but cannot be from the same institution of any of the authors to a manuscript. If you have no preferred reviewers, please fill the sections with N/A.

If accepted, authors are obliged to complete the Publication Fee, with the following details (the following publication fees apply for submissions above 01 January 2024):


1. Journal of Social and Political Sciences: USD 175
2. Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews: USD 175

3. Education Quarterly Reviews: USD 175

4. Journal of Health and Medical Sciences: USD 175

5. Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews: USD 150

6. Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews: USD 150

Fast Track Review: Additional USD 100 (applies for all publications under the Asian Institute of Research)


N.B: Articles accepted may be subjected to extensive English revisions. Please note that extensive English editing is not included in the publication fee (only basic proofreading is included). In that scenario, we propose that you have your manuscript checked by a colleague fluent in English writing, or use a paid editing service. We also offer paid editing services with a fixed fee of USD 75 for each article.

After the completion of all the processes above, your paper will be processed for publication. The publication can take approximately 7-14 days. Please ensure that you fill and answer all questions in the form below. Payments made for any journal will need to pay an additional 5% of the total transaction price, for the Paypal transaction fee.

Evaluation Criteria: All papers will be assessed based on its thematic focus and empirical grounding, conceptual model, explanatory logic, implications and applications, as well as quality of communication. The Asian Institute of Research prioritizes articles that can display novelty and provide positive contribution to the relevant discourse to the topic written. 


Last Updated:  01 January 2024

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I understand that my manuscript is subjected to changes based on the discretion of the reviewers from the Editorial Board or an independent academic delegated by the Asian Institute of Research

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