Fatema M. Halool
Independent Researcher, UAE

In the face of the rapid developments imposed by the changing world, opinions and recommendations have proliferated to improve curricula to keep pace with the era of exploration and equip learners with the necessary skills. Among these new ideas is the utilization of the skill of curiosity. This article invokes scientific accumulations and fundamental concepts that constitute references for the theoretical approach. While its concepts may vary from practices that reduce effort, it may be a choice for teachers to measure the impact of learning. The article presents proposals and adopts options that facilitate its application, a fertile field manifested in its openness to various knowledge sources. The current article attempts to provide a general overview of the theoretical interpretations of curiosity and how both initial and future research has addressed intellectual curiosity as a driving force and hence a personal trait and characteristics that can be developed. Its use may lead to solving some problems and overcoming obstacles. We seek to present its importance and effective applications in the active interactive transformation of teaching and learning, and openness to competence. Awareness of the contexts in which these strategies are used enables the teacher to formulate mental activities, allowing for deep understanding and activation of cognitive acquisition processes. In this paper, we attempt to broaden our understanding of intellectual curiosity by addressing the question: How can this new approach help better understand the mechanisms underlying curiosity-related learning? To what extent can it contribute to future learning endeavors?