Evi Aryati Arbay, Julian Aldrin Pasha
London School of Public Relations (Indonesia), University of Indonesia (Indonesia)

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo or is popularly known as Jokowi, a political figure who utilizes political symbols in various situations. In many of his political manoeuvres, he has been using implied symbols. The study used literature study method applied to compare data from several global journals, which are summarized based on the author's experience, theories, and existing models. The results of this research concluded that first, the ability to utilize political networking cohesiveness. Second, the ability to influence as a leader to apply extraordinary political strategic. Third, the capability of employing symbolic politics as a way of communicating and political allies. As a conclude, President Jokowi carries out internal consolidation and a lot of underground political communication with various community organizations and political parties.
Article link: https://www.asianinstituteofresearch.org/JSParchives/jokowi%3A-new-indonesia%E2%80%99s-master-of-politic-of-symbols-