Gamification for Learning English as a Second Language in Sri Lanka
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Gamification for Learning English as a Second Language in Sri Lanka

Chamod Malintha, L. K. Pulasthi Dhananjaya Gunawardhana

University of Sri Jayewardenapura, Sri Lanka

Despite the global importance of English proficiency, Sri Lankan students often struggle with mastering the language, as reflected in the country's unsatisfactory ranking in the English Proficiency Index (EPI). The traditional classroom-based teaching methods in Sri Lanka have not effectively addressed these challenges, necessitating innovative approaches to language learning. Gamification, the integration of gaming elements into non-game environments, has shown promising outcomes in enhancing learning motivation and academic performance, particularly in developed nations. However, its application within the Sri Lankan educational context remains limited. This study examines the potential of gamification in learning English as a second language (LESL) in Sri Lanka and identifies factors favourable to its integration into the education system. Key factors include the growing technological infrastructure, high internet penetration, and positive attitudes towards technology among students and teachers. By applying gamification to the educational context, Sri Lanka can revolutionise its language acquisition strategies, bridging the proficiency gap and creating a more engaging and effective learning environment essential for success in today's globalised world.

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