Liza Dwi Ratna Dewi, Jamalullail, Arief Subhan
Universitas Budi Luhur, Universitas Sahid, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
The Decree of the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia which established the Rebana Triangle Strategic Industrial Area which covers the Cirebon City - Subang Regency – Majalengka Regency area has given rise to various changes and social conflicts in this region. This research aims to see how the community resolves the conflict over land conversion and the elimination of local cultural identity that occurred in Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency. This research uses the communication geography model by Adams and Jansson as analysis tools which is combined with Henri Lefebvre's thoughts about "right to the city". This research has a critical, postmodern paradigm, with case study methods and qualitative data. The research results show that the people of Jatiwangi carry out communication geography to maintain their public areas and cultural identity through various festivals, art performances, and proposing the Terracotta City concept in the spatial planning of the Majalengka region which was organized by the Jatiwangi Art Factory (JAF), a local artist community.
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