Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 01 August 2022
Transformation of Traditional Balinese House in Banjar Umacandi, Buduk Village, Bali, Indonesia
Luh Merry Dyanthi, Ida Bagus Gede Yudha Triguna, I Gusti Bagus Wirawan, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Indonesian Hindu University (Indonesia), Udayana University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 41-55
Keywords: Transformation, Residential, Traditional Balinese
The phenomenon of the transformation of traditional Balinese houses in Banjar Umacandi is interesting to study. The perpetrators of the conversion of religion from Hinduism to Christianity, should live in the Christian world, but the perpetrators of the conversion in Banjar Umacadi still apply some of the values of traditional Balinese houses as a form of Balinese culture derived from the teachings of Hinduism. The change in traditional Balinese houses has three implications, namely: (a) the side of creating new concepts, (b) developing and strengthening existing concepts, (c) losing the original concept. This article will describe the transformation of traditional Balinese dwelling houses by simultaneously exploring the conversion of religion from Hinduism to Christianity. In the hope that it can be understood the extent of the change in traditional Balinese dwelling houses in the middle of an area with high religious conversion. These changes have an impact on the transformation of traditional Balinese values, especially in terms of Balinese building architecture, in addition to the values of social wisdom and other local wisdom values. Furthermore, this article aims to investigate the factors causing the transformation of traditional Balinese houses, the transformation process and the implications of transformation on socio-cultural and religious life in Banjar Umacandi, Buduk Village. The method used is qualitative research, because the emphasis is not on measurement but on trying to find the subjective meaning of the research subject. The results showed that economic factors are the main factors that influence the transformation of traditional Balinese residential houses in Banjar Umacandi. Ideological factors are not the main factors causing the transformation of traditional Balinese residential houses in Banjar Umacandi. The transformation of residential houses in Banjar Umacandi has not yet fully occurred. Local residences have transformed from traditional Balinese houses into modern houses (non-traditional architecture) in the traditional Balinese architectural style. The concept of a modern house in the Balinese architectural style that is still maintained, has implications for the socio-cultural life and the local waga religion. The fusion between the Hindu system of citizens and conversion actors who still maintain the concept of Balinese culture as a common thread, has an impact on the creation of harmonization in Banjar Umacandi to this day.
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