Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 15 April 2023
The Socio-Legal Condition of the Woman in the Work Environment in Cameroon: Factor or Obstacle for Her Empowerment?
Etoula Essoh Clotilde
University of Buea, Cameroon

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Pages: 5-16
Keywords: Culture, Discrimination, Employment, Empowerment, Equality, Traditions
This paper examines the socio-legal condition of the woman in the work environment in Cameroon to determine the extent to which it plays in favor of her empowerment. An extensive review of the laws and the literature relating to Labour law in Cameroon has revealed that several Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) launched by the United Nations in 2010 (WEP-Booklet, 2010) have been incorporated by the lawmaker. The principle of equality that drives all those principles is very present in the regulation as issues of discrimination in employment are a constant preoccupation of the lawmaker. Unfortunately, it is observed that the cultural context that keeps imprisoning the woman in Africa in general to the role of mother and wife has not eased her empowerment although she has even been given the opportunity to act in the political field. A more effective legislation that neutralises discriminations in employment and provide for a good sanction system against the violation of the principle of equality at work is unavoidable to empower women. But this is not enough as political awareness is the key that will boost their empowerment and thereof contribute to development.
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