Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 03 June 2022
The Management and Development of Tista Rural Tourism as Alternative Tourism in Tabanan, Bali Indonesia
Agus Muriawan Putra, Ni Ketut Arismayanti, I Ketut Antara
Udayana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 79-93
Keywords: Rural Tourism Development, Alternative Tourism, Community-Based Rural Tourism, Sustainable Rural Tourism
The development of rural tourism as alternative tourism arises from the concept of sustainable tourism development, where the development of rural tourism is expected to be able to preserve nature, the environment, culture, and all other resources in accordance with their carrying capacity. The people of Tista Village strongly support the management and development of rural tourism because the various benefits felt by the community are related to the harmonization of community life, quality of community life, environmental quality, cultural and spiritual quality which are increasingly becoming real benefits of developing rural tourism. These situations and phenomena make rural tourism an alternative in creating and supporting quality community-based tourism towards responsible tourism. Quantitative descriptive methods with Likert Scale Analysis and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) were used to find the development of the Tista Rural Tourism as alternative tourism in Tabanan Regency and to create a quality and sustainable rural tourism. The results of the analysis of community responses related to Tista Rural Tourism as alternative tourism in Tabanan Regency, the overall average value of the importance level is 4,72 (very important) and the overall average value of the performance level is 4,10 (good), where the results grouping of 36 indicators in each quadrant, namely: the main priority quadrant as many as 7 indicators, the superiority quadrant as many as 16 indicators, the low priority quadrant as many as 9 indicators, and the excess resources quadrant as many as 4 indicators.
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