Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 17 July 2024
The Level of Awareness of Male and Female Directors of Special Education Schools in Jordan about Twenty-First Century Skills from their Own Point of View
Jwan Taha Abdel Wali Shawabkeh, Ibrahim Ali Al-Baher
University of Jordan, University of the People, USA & Leeds Professional University, USA

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Pages: 41-54
Keywords: Twenty-First Century Skills, Special Education
The current study aimed to identify the level of awareness of male and female directors of Special education schools in Jordan about twenty-first century skills. The study sample, which was stratified randomly, consisted of (81) male and female directors of Special education schools in Jordan. The descriptive survey method was used in the current study, and to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed, and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that the level of awareness of male and female directors of Special education schools in Jordan about twenty-first century skills was average. The results of the study also showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) according to the gender variable in Favor of the male group. There were no statistically significant differences according to the years of experience variable, and there were no statistically significant differences according to the academic qualification variable. In light of these results, the study recommended the need to educate educational administrations and their leaders working in Special education schools about the skills of the twenty-first century and their importance in building the educational situation, and to conduct further studies and research to study the skills of the twenty-first century and how to benefit from them in achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the educational process in its various aspects.
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