Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 20 August 2024
The Legal Construction of New and Renewable Energy in Indonesia Towards Net Zero Emissions: A Normative Study on the Policy Development and Utilisation of Renewable Energy in New Zealand
Aska Martalia, Bintan R. Saragih, Irene Eka Sihombing
Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia

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Pages: 55-64
Keywords: Legal Construction, Indonesia, New and Renewable Energy, Net Zero Emission, New Zealand
The increase in greenhouse gas concentrations and carbon emissions in the atmosphere caused by non-renewable energy sources, known as fossil fuels, has resulted in global warming. Efforts to mitigate such increases involve the development and utilization of non-fossil energy consisting of new and renewable energy. However, in optimizing these efforts, the Indonesian government lacks a comprehensive legal framework to regulates them. This research is a normative juridical study using a statutory approach, with descriptive methods and prescriptive analysis. The results show that the key to New Zealand's success in developing and utilizing non-fossil energy is the existence of special regulations governing it. Given that Indonesia's non-fossil energy regulations are scattered in several regulations, it is necessary to construct a law that comprehensively regulates them within a single law. This step aims to provide Indonesia with a comprehensive legal framework related to the development and utilization of non-fossil energy.
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