Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 28 September 2024
Remission of Debts to the State: A Comparative Study of Australian and Bulgarian Law
Ganeta M. Minkova
Sofia University, Bulgaria

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Pages: 94-107
Keywords: Debts, Comparative Studies, Australia, Bulgaria
The institution of remission of public debts is regulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria (the Constitution) as a function of the Head of State – the President, which gives this institution contemporary content and meaning. Despite this, since the adoption of the new Constitution in 1991, no doctrinal analysis has been made to examine how a debt waiver would function in a parliamentary, democratic state. The aim of this study is to suggest ways of modernising the waiver mechanism in relation to the scope of debts for collection and the persons who may initiate the procedure, or whose debts may be waived, using examples from the Australian legal system.
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