Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 10 November 2022
Reconstruction of the People's Economic Model: Development of Micro, Small and Medium Businesses Based on Digital Transformation as a Strengthening Economy Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
Elli Ruslina, Tuti Rastuti, Zakki Abdilah Sjam
Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

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Pages: 85-93
Keywords: Reconstruction, People's Economy, Digital Transformation, Post-Covid
The people's economy is one of the principle instruments of Indonesian economic democracy. To overcome economic conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic, people are motivated to overcome problems to meet their needs for life independently. Communities and digital-based small and medium enterprises have unwittingly formed a mutually beneficial relationship between business transactions. The concept of populist economy is re-actualized in their economic activities. This study aims to examine the reconstruction of the populist economic model as the development of small and medium-sized businesses based on digital transformation in a post-covid-19 pandemic. This research is a literature study with descriptive-analytic research specifications. The results of the study show that the concept of a populist economy and digital transformation in small businesses is a model for strengthening the populist economy during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has not yet been measured regarding the sustainability of the model's reconstruction after the pandemic. This concept can become a new paradigm in order to strengthen the national economy after the COVID-19 pandemic.
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