Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 01 August 2022
Philosophical Meanings Behind Differences in Population Status Domiciled in Traditional Villages (Desa Adat) in Bali, Indonesia
Shri I Gusti Ngurah Wira Wedawitry WP. MS, I Putu Gelgel, I Wayan P. Windia, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Indonesian Hindu University (Indonesia), Udayana University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 56-74
Keywords: Meaning, Philosophical, Differences, Status of Residence, Indigenous Villages
The development of Bali to become the main destination for national and world tourism has indeed made a positive contribution to Bali itself and nationally. However, on the other hand, population problems have a very influential impact on the existence of the Bali area which results in the disruption of the comfort of the Balinese themselves. Various steps have been taken by the government from requiring migrant residents to have identity cards, especially for migrant residents, seasonal resident identity cards at a high enough cost to cause levies which actually make population problems difficult to overcome. Seeing this condition, the Bali provincial government began to function the role of Traditional Villages in regulating the existence of migrant residents, but the fact is that until now the community only knows the migrant population and has not understood the philosophical meaning of differences in population status. Based on this, this article will answer the problems about efforts to reason for differences in status of residence, efforts to determine the status of residence, and the philosophical meaning of differences in status of residence. The research method uses qualitative research that is carried out gradually and descriptively-qualitatively or through descriptions that are described and explain the subject of the study. Research shows that the implementation of differences in population status has been carried out in indigenous villages due to the high number of migrant populations. Differences in population status make it easier to order, equalize, prevent and overcome the problems of Customary Villages based on the classification of classifications that have been determined by the government as a support for the implementation of Customary Villages, namely krama, krama tamiu and tamiu. Furthermore, the practice until now in Traditional Villages in Bali still maintains the values of Balinese local wisdom in dealing with the population in the local village, even though nationally the Indonesian state in resolving the status of residence has been determined by the Civil Registry Service. So that the philosophical difference in the status of residence in traditional villages in Bali is justice in carrying out swadharma and self-education for residents in Bali based on Tri Hita Karana, namely three main things that cause welfare and prosperity in human life, including parahyangan, pawongan, and palemahan.
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