Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 29 September 2023
Oil and Gas Extraction in Nigeria and its Impacts on Environment: Radical Measures to Deep-Seated Challenges of Environmental Sustainability
E. E. Egba, Abiodun Amuda-Kannike, Oyebola Animashaun, Yusuf Amuda-Kannike
Ebonyi State University, Kwara State University, Legal Practitioner

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Pages: 154-161
Keywords: Oil and Gas, Extraction, Environment, Impacts
Environmental Law is a contemporary issue and this invasive subject houses number of other disciplines like economics, sociology, social sciences, oil and gas law, law of the sea, international law and many others. These disciplines have made some efforts to understand the best way to approach the environment with divergent views through interdisciplinary approach in assessing their choice of policy and ideas. As a result, this work will delve into a qualitative approach in exploring the perspectives that influence ways of thinking and making policies that are reflected in Nigerian environmental laws and policies and judicial processes in maintaining a sustaining environmental development and conserving its bio-diversity.
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