Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 07 December 2024
Multidimensional Study on the Revitalization of Macao's History, Folklore and Cultural Heritage
Xuelin Liao
Macao University of Tourism, China

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Pages: 51-108
Keywords: Macao, History, Folk Customs, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Revitalization, Heritage Protection
This article delves into the revitalization of Macao's history, customs, and cultural heritage, aiming to explore the role, challenges, and sustainable development strategies of cultural heritage revitalization in Macao's development through a multidisciplinary approach. On the basis of sorting out the historical development of Macao, this article discusses the diverse presentation of Macao's folk culture, evaluates the composition and value of Macao's cultural heritage, analyzes the theoretical basis and practical models of cultural heritage revitalization, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced by Macao's cultural heritage revitalization. It also discusses the strategies and path choices for Macao's cultural heritage revitalization. The main conclusions of this paper include that the historical folk culture of the Historic Center of Macao, which combines Chinese and Western culture, has bred the Macao historic district; The traditional Chinese festivals and the customs of the Macanese people, as well as their folk art and culinary culture, have jointly shaped the folk culture of Macao; The value of Macao's tangible and intangible cultural heritage is enormous, but it faces challenges such as aging inheritors, modern cultural impact, and foreign cultural impact; The revitalization of Macao's cultural heritage faces challenges such as relatively lagging policies and regulations, poor cross departmental communication and coordination, funding shortages and single sources, cognitive biases and insufficient protection awareness, as well as difficulties in management and maintenance. To better revitalize Macao's cultural heritage, it is necessary to improve the policy and legal protection system, expand funding sources, enhance social participation, innovate revitalization methods and management models.
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