Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 20 May 2023
Legal Strategies to Enforce Military Discipline for Personnel of Indonesian Armed Forces at the Army Aviation Center
Arie Subekti, Supriyadi, Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti
University of Merdeka, Indonesia

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Pages: 42-53
Keywords: Legal Policy, Enforcement of Military Discipline, Indonesian Armed Forces, Army Aviation Center
It is compulsory for Indonesian Armed Forces at Army Aviation Center (AAC) to demonstrate military discipline and uphold military ethics pursuant to Sapta Marga and Sumpah Prajurit (Oath of Enlistment). The law of military discipline is governed by several laws in Indonesia to maintain and enforce the professionalism of privates. However, in the armed forces at AAC, there had been at least 28 violations of military disciplines from 2017-2022. This research aims to analyze the causes of these violations and formulate the proper strategies to help improve law enforcement in military discipline for the armed forces at AAC. The research results reveal that nine factors have triggered the violations of military discipline among privates in AAC, including poor understanding of the law, poor organizational culture, socio-cultural factors, personality, motivation, psychological conditions, a shortage of natural resources, inadequate sanction, leadership, family problems, and economic burdens. To tackle all those factors causing violations of military disciplines, this research formulates 7 strategies to enhance law enforcement in military discipline for armed forces, consisting of strict law enforcement, training and education, administrative sanctions, enforcement of rules and regulations, strong organizational cultures, reinforced focus on career building, openness, and transparency.
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