Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 17 August 2023
Introducing the Relationship of Mental Disorder and Terrorism in Indonesia: A Study Case from Mentally Disorder Former Terrorist
Alexander Sabar, Masitha Nisa Noorahma, Kunto Hedy Nugroho, Fahmi Sidiq, Muhammad Yusuf Ramdan, Arif Satrio Nugroho, Adam Saputra, Fernando Hasiholan, Rifdah Ufairotul Widaad, Vidya Muthya Citra, Elfina Ainnur Rachma, Oryza Natasari, Leebarty Taskarina
Universitas Indonesia, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme Republik Indonesia

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Pages: 55-69
Keywords: Counter-Terrorism Law, Mental Disorder, Former Terrorists, Psychological Interventions, Social Awareness
Religion-motivated terrorism still substantially affected Indonesia in recent years. Whole-of-government and whole-of-society had attempted counter-terrorism efforts to combat radical-terrorism from all possible aspects. Nevertheless, analyses and studies regarding mental disorders are still neglected in Indonesian counter-terrorism policies. The current law for dealing with perpetrators of terrorism does not consider their mental disorders. The writing reviews the experiences of two former terrorism convicts in Indonesia who experience mental disorders from law and psychological perspectives. The research uses a qualitative approach with a case study model through in-depth interviews and document studies. As a result, the research prioritizes the development of studies on the issue of mental disorders in terrorism prevention policies in Indonesia while building social awareness. This paper is an initial finding in providing an overview of the correlation between countering terrorism and mental disorders. It also encourages psychological intervention as a basic need and the government, professionals, and academics to collaborate in conducting further research as a foundation for formulating mental health-based counter-terrorism policies in Indonesia.
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