Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 30 April 2022
Evaluation and Comparison of the Electronic Contract in the Context of Legislations in Egypt and Saudi Arabia: An Explanatory Study
Ashraf M. A. Elfakharani
Taif University, KSA

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Pages: 30-38
Keywords: Electronic Contract, E-Contract, Egypt E-Contract Laws, Saudi Arabia E-Contract Laws
The pace of technological development today is such that the law simply cannot keep up. The reason not only being that legislating new technology requires an understanding of it to legislate it, but because the full potential and implications of new technology cannot be fully surmised without first observing its full applications. Legislation of technology is necessary to protect the public from various scams, frauds, and illegal activities, so that they may be financially and personally safeguarded. There is little evidence on how Arab countries address the challenges and risks inherent in e-commerce. The purpose of this paper is to examine the laws and regulations currently in place in Egypt and Saudi Arabia regarding electronics and associated properties. More specifically, the study examines the e-contract laws in Egypt and Saudi Arabia to construct an explanatory theory regarding the legislative process relating to online transactions. The study presents original ideas that are sequential within the suggested framework that will assist in and contribute to knowledge and policy development.
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