Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 15 November 2023
Ecocriticism in Bangladesh: Reading Environmental Concerns in Selina Hossain’s Short Stories
Keya Chakraborty
University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh

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Pages: 16-23
Keywords: Environmental Degradation, Ecocriticism, Human Exploitation, Social Injustice, Bangladesh
Having a historical legacy of the relationship between culture and nature, literature in Bangladesh has always incorporated ecological concerns. The study aims to explore the cultural attitude towards nature and environment in Bangladeshi short stories. It is observed that literature explicitly and implicitly aims to define and impart values with profound ecological implications. Hence, it has become an urgent matter these days to address the environmental concerns that have also seen to be impeding or challenging the aesthetic sensibilities. However, this study explores how environmental disasters in Bangladeshi short stories highlighting both life and fiction explicitly ties the representation to global reality. For the purpose of research, the study intends to analyse Selina Hossain’s short stories that talk about the inseparable relation between human and nature. However, the narrative in the selected short stories allows for a literary exploration of the relationship between Bangladeshi people and the natural resources available to them. The depiction in the text raises and addresses questions, which should be at the heart of the critical meta-discourse environment studies. This paper analyses ecocriticism in “Death”, “Khoai Nodir Baak Bodol”, and “Longor Khana” authored by Selina Hossain.
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