Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 07 November 2022
Constitutionality of Provisions Related to Suit Against an Indigent Person in India: Legal Discourse
Vaibhav Kartikeya Agrawal
Hidayatullah National Law University

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Pages: 76-84
Keywords: Indigent person, Court-Fee, Code of Civil Procedure, Welfare State, Special Rules
The Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) is the parent law that provides for matters related to procedure for filing of suit in civil cases, i.e. filing of plaint, written statement, the contents of pleadings, the submission of evidence, etc. This paper endeavors to contemplate rule 11 of Order XXXIII of CPC which authorizes revocation of the permission granted to sue as an indigent plaintiff due to non-delivery of summons or non-appearance of the plaintiff when the suit is called on for hearing. It further endeavors to analyze rule 11-A of Order XXXIII of CPC which mandates the Court to order for recovery of Court fees and other litigation expenses from the estate of the deceased plaintiff. The paper concludes that such a review of the provisions related to suit by an indigent person would make the procedure in consonance with the principles of equity and the legal jurisprudence. The paper uses doctrinal method.
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