Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 08 October 2022
Coastal State Responsibility and Rights in Regard to Fisheries Resources in EEZ
Anindito Wiraputra, Sri Kuncoro Bawono, Koesmoyo Ponco Aji
Politeknik Imigrasi (Indonesia), University of Wollongong (Australia)

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Pages: 21-29
Keywords: Maritime Security, Fisheries Law, EEZ, Law of the Sea, International Law
Decreasing number of fishery resources impacted by unsustainable fisheries management, climate issues, and the sovereignty system at sea have made fishery conflicts a growing security concern, such as the conflict between Indonesia and Vietnam over the Natura Sea. This dispute is exacerbated by China's militarization efforts, as the fishing industry recognizes its ability to influence the maritime sphere around it. Other Southeast Asian coastal states, such as the Malacca Strait and the Natuna Sea, border Indonesia's EEZ, making it vulnerable to disputes. And if there is a violation of laws and regulations in the territorial sea, the coastal state can apply its criminal law to the violators if the violation has a negative impact on the coastal state or interferes with security. This EEZ regime was established to regulate long-standing disputes over maritime territory and unilateral claims, such as the dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia over the Malacca Strait Sea, which was successfully resolved. As a result, the coastal state has jurisdictional rights to make arrests, as specified in Article 73 concerning the enforcement of the coastal state's laws and regulations.
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