Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 25 April 2023
A Comparative View and Brief Analysis at the New Right to be Forgotten: The European And American Privacy Law
Julieth Tatiana Salgado Silva
The University of Melbourne, Australia

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Pages: 25-41
Keywords: Privacy, Privacy Law, Privacy Right, Social Media
The purpose of this research is to make an analysis of the moment when the privacy of an individual became a sensitive element which could be internationally protected and limited to public accessing. The research tends to start by showing the current perspective of the privacy understandings, based on sounded cases of celebrities which allowed Courts to make and establish positions to direct the treatment of the privacy right; after, it seeks to make an overview of the scenario when privacy is highly controversial: internet and social networks. Then, the study of the European and United States legislations in the subject will open the door to bring the analysis of the new right to be forgotten and how this new concept is being treated and has developed in the last years.
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