Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 29 September 2023
WAQF Water Management Development Law for Countries in the African Continent
Esti Royani
University of 17 August 1945 Samarinda, Indonesia

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Pages: 142-153
Keywords: Water Crisis, Africa, WAQF Wells, Government
Insufficient water availability will threaten the survival of humans in a region. Countries in Africa are known to be barren and have extremely hot climates. The ongoing clean water crisis has taken a huge toll. The Indonesian government in collaboration with all countries should have a role in unraveling this problem. One of the solutions offered is legal protection and the development of clean water infrastructure and facilities by building waqf wells. This research intends to examine the management of waqf wells, the condition of water scarcity in African countries, and how the role of the government and waqf institutions in Indonesia and around the world to overcome the scarcity of clean water in Africa. The research method used is qualitative. As a result, we found one humanitarian agency (Aksi Cepat Tanggap), which is quite active in implementing the waqf well program in several countries in Africa. In general, the program has received a positive response from the beneficiaries of the waqf wells.
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