Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 04 April 2022
Study of Ashab Al-Kahf's Story in the Book of Fadhâ’il al-Khamsah min al-Shihahi al-Sittah: A Naturalistic Hermeneutical Perspective
Fadlil Munawwar Manshur
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia

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Pages: 18-29
Keywords: Naturalistic Hermeneutics, Ashabul-Khafi, Fadhâ’il al-Khamsah min al-Shihahi al-Sittah Book, Incident Material
This study discusses the story of Ashab al-Kahf in the book of Fadhâ’il al-Khamsah min al-Shihahi al-Sittah by As-Sayyid Murtadha Al-Huseiny Fairuzabadi in which there are interesting and intelligent dialogues between Ali bin Abi Talib and a Jewish priest. Ali bin Abi Talib was one of the Prophet Muhammad’s companions who was smart and very trusted. The story of Ashabul-Kahf contains many lessons and life’s wisdom for humans who consistently maintain their faith and stay away from the power oppressive center to their people. The formal object of this research is the story of Ashabul-Kahf which is very popular in Islamic society, both in the Arab world and outside the Arab world. The material object uses Fadhâ’il al-Khamsah min al-Shihahi al-Sittah Book. This study uses the naturalistic hermeneutic theory by Mantzavinos. The results showed that the actions of seven young men who fled to the cave due to they were being chased by the tyrannical King Dikyanus and they did not feel like sleeping in the cave for 309 years. This research reveals a series of material events since they fled from the kingdom and were chased by King Dikyanu’s army and finally they fell asleep in the cave for more than three centuries until they woke up from their long sleep and were again killed by God. Between one event material with others each other has a relationship of interrelated meaning. In this study, it is proven that the use of naturalistic hermeneutic theory can guide researchers in revealing the hidden actions meaning of the seven young men from the pursuit of King Dikyanus in the cave. The meaning revealed is that there is a causal relationship between the story of Ashabul-Kahf text and its readers (researchers). The story complexity in the story’s text is later explained through the nexus concept, which essentially looks for material that occurs in the historical reality area and expresses it through an exclusive causal relationship. Therefore, through this nexus, the problematic meaning of Ashabul-Kahf story can be revealed.
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