Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 29 July 2023
Review of Dog Population Management Legislation in Sri Lanka: History, Circumstances, Role of Local Authorities and Present Scenario
Viranga Kumudini Jayasundara, Ali Khatibi, Jacquline Tham, Pallewatte Aruna
Dehiwala Mt. Lavinia Municipal Council (Sri Lanka), Management and Science University (Malaysia), National Hospital of Sri Lanka

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Pages: 1-7
Keywords: Dog Taxation, Dog Registration Ordinance, Dog Destruction Ordinance
Dogs are the most abundant carnivore animal on the planet. Therefore, population management strategies are practiced in many countries. In the past, dogs lived with natives of Sri Lanka in isolated villages and were later exposed out with the development of infrastructure specially roads for plantation activities during the British era. The enactment of legislation and exercising its provisions to manage the dog population was initiated by British rulers in Sri Lanka. First, the dog destruction ordinance was enacted in 1842. Subsequently, the dog taxation ordinance was enacted in 1848. However, dog taxation ordinance was repealed in 1849. Afterwards, dog taxation including dog seizing and destruction were incorporated to local authority ordinances in the latter part of 19th century after establishment of Municipal councils, local boards and local boards for health and existed until the enactment of dog registration ordinance, No. 25 of 1901. The updating of this ordinance was carried out from time to time according to requirements of the provisions to address the issues until 1961. Today, most of the provisions including penalties are not adequate to address the issues arising from dog owners and the public since it has not been revised for 60 years. Therefore, it is a vital and current need to revise the dog registration ordinance to strengthen the legal side of the dog population management activities.
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