Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 05 July 2022
Re-Actualization of the Community Economy Based on Mutualism and Brotherhood Post-Covid-19 in Digital Economic Transactions
Elli Ruslina, Tuti Rastuti, Zakki Abdilah Sjam
Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

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Pages: 14-21
Keywords: People's Economy, Mutualism, Kinship, Digital Economy, Post-Covid-19
Even though the Covid-19 outbreak caused anxiety, it must be interpreted as having brought positive things to economic life. One of them is the emergence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UKKM) whose business activities are facilitated by information technology. The business relationships that have been built are characterized by family values, mutual cooperation values, and efforts to deal with the epidemic period, as well as being forward-looking after the outbreak ends. This social phenomenon is to actualize the people's economy in digital economic transactions. This study assumes a people's economy paradigm based on mutualism and the principle of kinship in digital economic transactions. The paradigm of economic development based on the values of local wisdom and Indonesianness is a new hope for the people's economy in realizing the constitutional mandate that prioritizes the interests of the people. The role of technology in the economy during the Covid-19 era is very large, having an impact on efficiency and effectiveness in meeting the economic needs of the community. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct a legal study of the actualization of the people's economy based on mutualism and the principle of kinship as an economic recovery post-covid-19. The purpose of the research is to examine the legal basis for the People's Economy on community economic activities based on the post-covid-19 digital economy. The research method uses secondary data, in the form of legal documents on laws and regulations in the economic field, various research results from legal and economic experts and field data in the form of interviews and observations. The data were analyzed qualitatively juridically, through legal interpretation, harmonization and synchronization of laws. The results of the study show that, the concept of a populist economy is actualized in community economic transactions based on post-covid-19 digital economic technology; Mutualism and familial values can be used as a legal basis in the paradigm of constitutional national economic development.
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