Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 31 August 2022
Limited Dual Citizenship Age Limit
Eka NAM Sihombing, Srining Widati, Cynthia Hadita
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

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Pages: 116-121
Keywords: Citizenship, Dual, Limit, Age
As a result of mixed marriages, children born based on their parents' descendants (the principle of ius sanguinis), or the nationality obtained based on where a child is born (the principle of ius soli) depends on the principle adopted by each country, giving implications for the existence of children who have dual nationality. This also creates the problem of a limited citizenship age limit for choosing citizenship, causing problems with a child's citizenship status, because the regulations regarding the age limit for children to choose citizenship also differ from one country to another. The research method used is normative juridical. The results showed that to answer to the needs of society, especially for children who have dual citizenship, the ideal age to choose citizenship should be limit to 25 years so that the person concerned has completed his education in higher education so that changes need to be made to the Citizenship Law, especially the article regarding the age limit for dual citizenship.
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Interview by the Authors on 09-12 May 2022 by Phone.