Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 18 December 2023
Law and Social Order: TNI’s Role in Indonesia (Islam and Democracy), Post Suharto’s Until Jokowi’s Administration
Muhammad Habibi Siregar
State Islamic University of North Sumatra Indonesia

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Pages: 97-111
Keywords: Indonesia, Social, Security, National integrity
This article argues the other dimension of discourse on TNI and significant role of Indonesian military to maintain the state integrity to defy the balkanization. TNI is the most effective and solid state’s apparatus which to encounter the possible disintegration in Indonesia, especially during the critical period of the early of falling Suharto’s new order. Mounting pressure to preserve the unity in the fragile situation was not to seduce TNI to take over the government’ seat due to push the civilian presidency to fill in the position. Indonesian’s transition to democracy to set TNI make concessions its privilege by scoping the back to basic. TNI’s management conflict to curb the conflicts escalated in few provinces in Indonesia elevate trustworthy among Indonesians. Meanwhile there is still attracting from civil political players to push TNI to involve the political practice like nostalgia in new order period. This article also demonstrates that TNI is the most reliable institution to reformate internally to constrain the temptation of ruling administration. The research findings show the essential contribution of TNI to keep guard Indonesia’s integrity with the calculated measure. TNI tried to shift the hard power approach to soft power approach by involving the nationality and security of national integration project was initiated by government.
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