Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 21 January 2024
Investigating the Role of Political Culture in the Political Development of Afghanistan after September 11, 2001
Muaiyid Rasooli, Mohammad Ekram Yawar
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Akdeniz University

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Pages: 63-73
Keywords: Political Culture, Afghanistan, Elections, Traditions, September 11
Democracy has not yet been institutionalized in Afghanistan, and this nation has a significant journey ahead before the establishment of a fully institutionalized democracy. One of the major internal obstacles on the way to the realization and institutionalization of democracy in this country is the presence of tribal and ethnic political culture of some of its residents. In this country, the attitudes, values, beliefs, feelings, beliefs, looking at the past, orientations, social traditions and some social structures of a number of the inhabitants of this land are ethnic and tribal. Of course, it should not be denied and ignored that many of the young generations of Afghanistan have trampled many beliefs, red lines and ethnic taboos. In the third presidential election in Afghanistan, observations indicate that the political culture among some of the youth in this country is characterized by active participation. Hence, the primary objective of this article is to ascertain how effective the political culture has been in the political development of Afghanistan. Since the Afghan society is a traditional and tribal society, its political culture is also a tribal political culture. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library. The results indicate a clear correlation between elections and the political culture in each respective country. Elections mirror the prevailing political culture within the country. If the political culture is moving towards democratization, it is evident that the elections in Afghanistan are also moving towards democratization.
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