Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 15 December 2023
Investigating, Importance and Impact of the Contemporary Silk Road on the Geopolitics of Central Asia
Mohammad Ekram Yawar
Akdeniz University

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Pages: 68-80
Keywords: Silk Road, Geopolitics, Geoeconomy, Central Asia, China, Eurasia, Macro Strategy
With the rise of China in the 1990s and the stability of its remarkable economic growth in the new millennium, the Contemporary Silk Road, as the most important international initiative, has been placed in the geopolitical center of Asia. "Contemporary Silk Road" or "One Road, One Belt" is the most high-flying mega-project in the present time, which is the manifestation and symbol of China's power beyond its borders. Meanwhile, in the eyes of China, Central Asia is the focal point of the new cloud road, which controls its routes to Afghanistan, Iran, West Asia, South Asia, and South Russia. In addition, Afghanistan and Xinjiang also have important positions in the process of forming new land routes of the Silk Road. The pioneering research, from this perspective, explains its main question about the actors and trends influencing the land belt of the Contemporary Silk Road on the geopolitics of Central Asia. This article mentions the specific details of the Central Asian governments and their policies. Also, the scope and scope of Beijing's investments and policies in this region will be examined.
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