

Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735







Published: 10 November 2022
Fulfillment of the Right to Health for Women Workers of Public Refueling Stations (Gas Station) in the Perspective of Law in Indonesia
Fathimah Azzahro, Riris Ardhanariswari, Muhammad Fauzan
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia

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Pages: 94-104
Keywords: The Right to Health, Women Gas Station Workers, Indonesian Law
The right to health is the right to obtain and enjoy the highest standards of health that can be achieved for everyone because naturally every human being is born free and equal. The equation applies to everyone including workers, both male workers, and female workers without being discriminatory. Especially for women workers of public refueling stations (gas stations) in fulfilling the right to health in a positive legal perspective amid the challenges of patriarchal culture faced. This study discusses the fulfillment of the right to health for women workers of public refueling stations (gas stations) from the perspective of law in Indonesia and the implementation of the fulfillment of these rights. The method used in this study is normative juridical with descriptive research specifications analysis, namely research by describing the applicable laws and regulations associated with legal theories and the practice of implementing positive laws related to problems. The research uses secondary data obtained through literature and is systematically described. The results showed that regulations regarding the fulfillment of the right to health for women gas station workers still refer to arrangements that are general and have not specifically regulated the right to health for female workers. The implementation can be seen from five factors that affect the fulfillment of the right to health for women gas station workers.
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