Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 09 January 2024
Examining the Position of Afghanistan in the New Plan of China's Belt and Road Initiative (With Emphasis on Media Strategies)
Mohammad Ekram Yawar, Muaiyid Rasooli
Akdeniz University, Xi’an Jiaotong University

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Pages: 1-13
Keywords: Afghanistan, China, Belt and Road Initiative, Foreign Media
Afghanistan is China's neighbor and with its location in the south of Asia, it is important for global players including China. Afghanistan participates with Pakistan in the initiative-way project. The main question of this article is that what are China's goals through the Belt and Road initiative through Afghanistan? This article explains the goals and actions of world powers and especially China in the political scene with the descriptive-analytical method and using the theoretical approaches of balancing, the international regimes and the interdependence theories. Afghanistan has paid attention to the role of foreign radio media in reflecting this issue. Based on the results, the improvement of the economic situation of the troubled Xinjiang region in the northwest of China, the stabilization of China's economic and commercial position in Central Asia, the development of China's economic influence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the revival of its traditional position is vital. China is on the Silk Road in the framework of a wide land and sea corridor. With West Asia and Europe, it is considered among the motivations and reasons for the formation of China's plan. Also, due to the competition with the big powers, China wants to minimize their role in Afghanistan and reach a balance of power with them. Therefore, the percentage of Afghanistan's confidence has come and the request for this plan is from Afghanistan.
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