Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 31 October 2024
Cybercrime's Global and National Dimensions: Policy Frameworks, Challenges, and Future Solutions
Makara Nget, Rany Sam, Kouy Im, Sinoeurn Kheuy, Dara Em, Hak Yoeng
Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia), National University of Battambang (Cambodia)

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Pages: 26-41
Keywords: Cybercrime, Global, National, Dimensions, Challenges, Impacts, Solutions
As global reliance on digital technology expands, so do the risks posed by cybercrime, which impacts individuals, institutions, and nations. This study has five main objectives: to evaluate global strategies for countering the growing cybercrime threat, compare diverse national approaches that reflect distinct legal traditions and enforcement priorities, identify and address critical challenges in combating cybercrime, assess the significant social and economic impacts of cybercrime, and highlight critical areas of focus to mitigate these threats. It also looks at the sophisticated methods that cybercriminals use and how technological advancements constantly reshape societal understanding and responses to cybercrimes. Cybercrime, once rooted in traditional crime, has evolved into a distinct and formidable threat fueled by the internet's anonymity and interconnectivity. This study advocates for a comprehensive global cybersecurity strategy that prioritizes legal reforms, encourages international cooperation, and tailors prevention strategies to the changing cyber landscape. It also addresses disparities in national cybersecurity preparedness, emphasizing the critical need for enhanced security measures and proactive strategies to mitigate cybercrime's widespread economic, social, and national security consequences.
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