Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 29 October 2022
Comparison of Legal Cultures for Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes Through Arbitration Between Singapore (Common Law System) and Indonesia (Civil Law System)
Darmawan Yusuf, Agusmidah, Agusmidah, Aloysius Uwiyono, Ningrum Natasya Sirait
Universitas Sumatera Utara (Indonesia), Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)

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Pages: 54-63
Keywords: Comparison, Industrial Relations, Singapore, Indonesia
In the common law legal system, the main sources of law are habits that live in society as a legal culture, as well as agreements that have been agreed upon by the parties. Meanwhile, in the civil law legal system, the regulations set by the government are the main source of law. There are two kinds of sources of labor law, namely: autonomous and heteronomous legal methods. Singapore is a country that has adopted an export-oriented industry, so the Singapore economy is colored by the role of the government. The state of industrial relations in Singapore is seen as the most stable and most functioning industrial relations system. In addition to tripartite relations, as well as a strong collaboration between the government, workers, and employers is the hallmark of industrial relations in Singapore. Singapore (Common Law) has the employment law The Employment Act 1968 which is a refinement of various ordinances made by the colonial rulers (Britain), including The Labor Ordonance 1957, The Shop Assistants Employment Ordinance 1957, and The Clerck's Employment Ordinance 1957. Laws and regulations in the field of labor apply in Indonesia, namely: Law no. 13 of 2003 and Law no. 02 of 2004 concerning the Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes. Normative legal research with a comparative approach to legal culture. The legal issue is that if the two legal traditions are related to both types of labor law sources, then in countries that adhere to the Common Law legal tradition, the main source of labor law is generally the autonomous method. Meanwhile, countries with civil law traditions are generally heteronomous. Labor law is not a neutral and independent type of law, so government involvement is needed as an effort to protect workers who are weak in position.
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