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Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Vol.5 No.3 (2022)
The Asian Institute of Research
Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews
Vol.5, No.3, September 2022
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Determinants of Unmet Need for Family Planning in Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia | Astuti Rahayu, Sri Suharsih, Eko Amiadji Julianto | UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.453 | |
A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Developments of Work Stress on Hospital Nurses | Novita Tri Lestari Puji Hastuti, Sri Handari Wahyuningsih, Siti Dyah Handayani | University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.452 | |
Bibliometric Analysis of Turnover Intention Using VOSviewer | Naila Ufiidatul Uzkiyyah, Ika Nurul Qamari, Meika Kurnia Puji Rahayu | University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.451 | |
Relationship Between Knowledge Management with Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategies in Sumbawa Weaving SMEs: The Moderating Role of Organizational Design | Ninik Probosari, Andi Kusmayadi, Ari Wijayani, Kartika Ayu Ardhanariswari, Ilham Ramadan Pandu Setia Negara Siregar, Ari Okta Viyani | UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Department of Cooperatives, SMEs, Industry and Trade, Sumbawa Regency, NTB (Indonesia), Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.450 | |
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Analysis of Risk-Based Internal Audit Planning Implementation and Its Impact on Audit Quality: Case Study at the Inspectorate of Surakarta, Indonesia | Erika Pristiwati Anugraheni, Erma Setiawati, Rina Trisnawati | Muhammadiyah Surakarta University | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.448 | |
Purchasing Decisions in the New Normal Period: Implementation of Digital Marketing, Brand Awareness, and Viral Marketing at Shopee E-Commerce on the Use of SPayLater | Amira Putri Mardiana, Budhi Haryanto | Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.447 | |
The Positive Role of Attitude Toward of Vendor in Mediating the Relationship Between Vendor Cognition and Advertise Cognition on Vendor Usage Intention | Nanda Farhanah, Budhi Haryanto | Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.446 | |
The Influence of Self Efficacy on Performance with Innovation Work Behavior as an Intervening Variable (Case Study on PT. Indah Kiat Employee) | Tio Teguh Wijayana, Meika Kurnia Puji Rahayu, Sri Handari Wahyuningsih | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.445 | |
Small and Medium Enterprises Business Model in Indonesia | Kurniadi, Syafei Ibrahim, Badruzzaman, Harris Purnama | Bina Nusantara University, Iskandar Muda University | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.444 | |
An Assessment of The Effect of Mobile Money Services on The Profitability of The Banking Sector in Zambia | Austin Mwange, Pimpa Kasongola, Ayanda Meyiwa | ZCAS University, Indo-Zambia Bank, University of Kwa Zulu Natal | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.443 | |
Organizational Culture in University: A Bibliometric Analysis | Feira A. Rosanti, Udin Udin | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.442 | |
Partner Related Motives and Strategic Alliance Formation: Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya | Richard K. Muthoka, James M. Kilika, Stephen M. A. Muathe | Kenyatta University, Kenya | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.441 | |
Monetary Policy Responses to Crude Oil-Price Shocks: The Case of Selected Central Banks | Austin Mwange, Ayanda Meyiwa | ZCAS University (Zambia), University of Kwa Zulu Natal (South Africa) | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.440 | |
Factors Affecting Earning Management in Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange: Study of Fraud and Corruption Practices | Aminullah Assagaf, Nur Sayidah, Ulul Albab, Hadi Sugiyanto, Alvi Mulyaningtyas | University of Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.439 | |
Nonlinear Spillover and Dynamic Connectedness Between International Crude Oil and Dow Jones Islamic Market | Mariwan Ali | Zhejiang Gongshang University, China | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.438 | |
Predicting Household Resilience Before and During Pandemic with Classifier Algorithms | Ndari Surjaningsih, Hesti Werdaningtyas, Faizal Rahman, Romadhon Falaqh | Central Bank of Indonesia, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.437 | |
Impact of Imports and Interest Rates on Inflation: A Case Study in ASEAN Countries 2006-2019 | Mirna Herawati, Sumaryoto, Machfud Sidik | Universitas Borobudur Jakarta, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.436 | |
The Impact of Economic Pressure and Macroprudential Policies on Consumption Patterns between Household Groups | Ndari Surjaningsih, Hesti Werdaningtyas, Agni Alam Awirya, Azka Azifah Dienillah, Cahya Idzni Igawati | Central Bank of Indonesia, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.435 | |
Household Debt Behavior and Response to Interest Rates and LTV Policy | Hesti Werdaningtyas, Agni Alam Awirya, Azka Azifah Dienillah, Cahya Idzni Igawati | Central Bank of Indonesia, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.434 | |
Self-Control, Financial Literacy, and Behavior in Organizing Money | Anita Anita, Rosemarie Sutjiati Njotoprajitno, Bram Hadianto | Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.433 | |
Implementation of Syndicated Credit Agreements by Conventional Commercial Banks during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Hilda Yunita Sabrie, Ananda Amalia Tasya, Harven Filippo Taufik, Anita Maharani Tanusaputri, Yusuf Arif Utomo | Airlangga University (Indonesia), PT Bank Jatim (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.432 | |
The Popularity of Milk Tea Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Selected Entrepreneurs in Minglanilla, Cebu Philippines | Kriszia Dimpsy S. Bastasa, Vicente S. Maravilla Jr, Simplicio R. Espellita Jr, Ritchell Dela Calzada, Jessalyn M. Alqueza
| University of San Carlos (Philippines), St. Cecilia's College Cebu Inc. (Philippines), University of the Visayas (Philippines) | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.431 | |
Innovation Behavior of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines | Cristina Teresa N. Lim | De La Salle University, Philippines | 10.31014/aior.1992.05.03.430 |
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