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Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Articles that have been peer-reviewed and accepted will be published online in approximately four weeks.
Publication Fee
The publication fee for accepted manuscripts is USD 175.00, with the addition of transaction fees depending on the service used
DOI Number
Each published paper will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, to ensure a persistent link to its location on the internet
AIOR Journals are proofread with Grammarly, to ensure the quality of papers
Officially Registered in:

Prof. Dr Roselina Binti Ahmad Saufi
International Business School
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Haitham Nobanee
College of Business Administration
Abu Dhabi University,

Dr. Vasiliki Brinia
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Teguh Sugiarto
Faculty of Economics and Business,
Universitas Budi Luhur, Indonesia

Dr. Samar Rahi
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
Prof. Ravi Kumar Bommisetti
Amrita Sai Institute of Science and
Technology, India
Assistant Prof. Dr. Ahsan Riaz
Government College, University
Faisalabad, Pakistan

Prof. Alexandros Psychogios
Birmingham City Business School
Birmingham City University, Birmingham
Editorial Board

Dr. Maria do Rosário Fernandes Justino
Lisbon Accounting and Business School
Lisbon Polytechnic Institute, Portugal
Assistant Prof. Christian Rainero
Department of Management
The University of Turin, Italy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juan Ignacio Pulido-
Department of Economics
Universidad de Jaén, Spain
Dr. Joaquín Texeira Quirós
Department of Financial Economy and
Universidad de Extremadura, Spain

Assistant Prof. Dr. İdil Göksel
Faculty of Business
Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Vica Davidaviciene
Department of Business Technologies and Entrepreneurship, Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University, Lithuania
Asst. Prof. Dr.Kittipong Sophonthummapharn
Faculty of Business Administration
Rajamangala University of Technology
Krungthep, Thailand
Assoc. Prof. Elf Akben Selcuk
Department of Business Administration
Kadir Has Universitesi, Turkey
Assoc. Prof. Kherchi Ishak
Faculty of Economics, Business, and
Management, University of Hassiba Ben
Bouali Chlef, Algeria

Dr. Emmanuel Senyo Fianu
Department of Economics
University of Verona, Italy

Assistant Prof. Ali Faruk Acikgoz
Department of Accounting and Tax
Namik Kemal University, Turkey

Prof. Cosimo Magazzino
Department of Political Sciences
Roma Tre University, Italy

Assistant Prof. Seyed Alireza Athari
Department of Banking and Finance,
Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus

Assistant Prof. Ikechukwu Nwaka
Department of Economics
Girne American University, Turkey
Assistant Prof. Abderrazak Hassan Elkhladi
Department of Accounting-Finance
University of Sousse, Tunisia
Dr. Muhamed Buheji
International Institute of Inspirational
Economy, Bahrain

Assoc. Prof. Mohammed Fellague
Faculty of Economics, Business, and
Management, University of Hassiba Ben
Bouali Chlef, Algeria
Muhammad Ishtiaq Ishaq, Ph.D.
Department of Economics and Management
University of Padova, Italy

Prof. George Abuselidze
Department of Finance, Banking, and Insurance
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia
Maria-Dolores Guillamon, Ph.D.
Department of Financial Economics and
Accounting, Universidad de Murcia, Spain

ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)
Frequency: Quarterly (four issues per year)
Submission: online submission
Language: English
The Asian Institute of Research Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews (formerly Journal of Economics and Business) is a peer-reviewed International Journal of the Asian Institute of Research. The journal covers scholarly articles in the fields of Economics and Business, which include, but not limited to, Business, Economics (Micro and Macro), Finance, Management, Marketing, Business Law, entrepreneurship, behavioral and health economics, government taxation and regulations, financial markets, International Economics, Investment (including FDI), and Economic Development. The Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access Journal that can be accessed and downloaded online for free. Thus, ensuring high visibility and increase of citations for all research articles published. The journal aims to facilitate scholarly work on recent theoretical and practical aspects of Economics and Business. Academics, Policymakers, and researchers are open to submit their manuscript at any time. The Asian Institute of Research Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews upholds the value of diversity, therefore have recruited editors from diverse national backgrounds. Below is our editorial team:
Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
CALL FOR PAPERS: Vol. 8, No.2 June 2025
Submission Deadline: 10 June 2025
Publication Date: 30 June 2025
All accepted manuscripts will be published online one week after a manuscript has been accepted
Journal of Economics
Economics Journal
Journal of Business Administration
Journal of Business
Business Journal
International Journal
Accounting Journal
Scopus Journal
Jurnal Internasional
Macro Economics Journals
Journal Articles
Journal of Economics and Business
All accepted articles will be submitted for indexing in the following databases:

Index Copernicus Value 2023:

Starting April 2021, the Journal of Economics and Business (ISSN 2615-3726) will change the publication name to Economics and Business Quarterly Reviews
Assoc. Prof. Branka Topic Pavkovic
Department of Economic Theory, Analysis and Policy, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Jacob M. Nyambe
Faculty of Commerce, Management and Law, Department of Economics, University of Namibia

Prof. Dr. Zulkefly Bin Abdul Karim
Faculty of Economics and Management,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Muhammad Ridwansyah
Faculty of Economics and Business, Economics Department, University of Jambi, Indonesia

Dr. Keshab Bhattarai
FBLP, Business School, University of Hull,
Yorkshire, UK

Prof. Dr. Marwa Mohamed Shibl Biltagy
Department of Economics,
Cairo University, Egypt
Dr. Gyanendra Prasad Paudel
National College, Tribhuvan University,
Dr. Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade
Federal Institute of São
Paulo, Brazil
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ismael Abujarad
Akelius Languages Online gGmbH,

Asst. Prof. Yankuo Qiao
The George B. Delaplaine Jr. School of
Business, Hood College, USA
Dr. Milla Sepliana Setyowati
Department of Fiscal Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia
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