Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 30 June 2019
The Effect of Dutch Colonial Architecture on Palace in Bali, Indonesia
Agus Kurniawan, P Rumawan Salain, N K Acwin Dwijendra, I G N Anom Rajendra
Udayana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 468-474
Keywords: Colonial Architecture, Gedong Maskerdam, Agung Karangasem Palace
Dutch colonial architecture is an architecture that combines western and eastern cultures. Dutch colonial architecture was present through the work of Dutch architects and was intended for the Dutch who lived in Indonesia, in the period before independence. Agung Karangasem palace is one of the remains of architectural works built in the 19th century after Dutch colonialism conquered Karangasem in 1894, by Statehooder I namely Anak Agung Gede Jelantik, the first king of the Kingdom of Karangasem. This palace uses the concept of Tri Mandala, which is different from the general concept of the palace in Bali, namely Sanga Mandala. Another uniqueness is the existence of a building with the name Gedong Maskerdam which is the residence of the king in the Main Mandala. The purpose of this study was to dig deeper into the style and visual characteristics of the Gedong Maskerdam building. The type of research used is qualitative-rationalistic research with descriptive methods, namely describing the object/building Gedong Maskerdam and analyzing the style and visual character of the building. The results showed that the colonial style of Gedong Maskerdam was largely influenced by the Indische Kingdom Style (Age 18-19).
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