Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 07 July 2020
The Credibility of Communicators as Leaders in the Peasant Movement
Aprilyanti Pratiwi, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Endriatmo Soetarto, Nurmala K. Pandjaitan
IPB University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 605-612
Keywords: Credibility, Leader, Peasant Organization, Peasant Protest
One important aspect in the peasant movement is the existence of a leader figure. The peasant movement needs a communicator or leader figure with strong credibility and therefore, peasants want to join in the protest. A horrendous peasants protests was the self grave action carried out by the STTB peasants (The United Telukjambe Peasants Association). The peasant protest movement of STTB began when they were involved in a conflict with PT Pertiwi Lestari. PT Pertiwi Lestari claimed that the rice field land occupied and cultivated by STTB peasants was their own land in 2010 and the company asked the peasants to move from the rice field land. The research purpose is to identify the credibility of the STTB leaders in the peasant mobilization. The research is a qualitative research with case study approach. Data collected by interviewed three STTB leaders and three STTB peasants. The research findings show that the STTB leaders have initial credibility, i.e. the credibility related to social status and derived credibility, the credibility related to the leaders' competencies. Beside that, the leader of STTB also has character, competence, personality and dynamis. STTB leaders are generous, close to STTB members, and open-minded.
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