Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 12 May 2020
The "Playfulness" Meeting Place of Children’s Art with Modern and Postmodern Art
Spyros Kolyvas
Ministry of Education, Greece

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Pages: 407-418
Keywords: Playfulness, Play, Creative Process, Modern Art, Children’s Art, Postmodern Art
In this article, we will seek to interpret the playful content of modern art, to identify those characteristics that enhance its playful character, its relationship with children's art and the extent to which the characteristics these still affect postmodern art. The writing of the article was based on study of literature, works of art as well as on observation (diary) and study of children's works due to the teaching in experience of the course of visual arts in primary education. The main findings are summarized in the fact that playful is a meeting place for children's art and adult art, since artistic creation is governed by the principles and norms applicable to the play. It was found that children's art is a source of inspiration for contemporary artists. That the element of playful features particularly the artists of the period of modern art. While the period of postmodern art is a reference to the oldest art, which was appropriated with a superficial approach without any internal process. Art during the period of postmodernism is not interested in covering the vital human needs, it does not use metaphysical language in the representation of the world, it is indifferent to authenticity, it is closer to the market, to consumption and to media culture. A culture that rejects the purity and dominance of the structure that is more playful, ironic and eclectic in style. Due to the fact that this issue has not been thoroughly studied, our findings may be a benchmark for future research and study. Therefore, it is considered interesting to investigate this particular question.
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