Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 11 April 2022
Social Anhedonia among Academics: The Role of Type A Personality, Age & Gender Differences
Reem Khamees Mahdi
University of Baghdad

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Pages: 35-43
Keywords: Anhedonia, Type A, Gender, Personality, Non-Patient, University
The study aimed to determine the role of Type A personality TAP, age, and gender differences in social anhedonia (SA). Participants: University of Baghdad non-patient academics (Number = 400) (females = 250, Males = 150) at ages 25-60, with a mid-range of 42.5 years old. Measures: The Revised Social Anhedonia Scale (40 items) and Howard Glazer Questionnaire (20 items) were applied. Data Analysis: The validity and reliability have been examined. When applying the Pearson Correlation, r between SA and TAP was 0.347. Type A1 personality ( the highest score on TAP scale ) had the highest score in SA. Results: There is a weak positive correlation between Type A personality and SA. Age can affect SA; older individuals tend to be more anhedonic. Females had higher scores on SA than males. Discussion: the relationship between SA and TAP required several studies of larger samples in different environments to determine the nature of this relationship and to ensure the positive correlation between them.
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