Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 08 April 2019
Role of Management in The Effect on Employee Motivation of Organizational Performance – Hungarian Case Study
Barbara Pirohov-Tóth
University in Debrecen, Hungary

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Pages: 246-252
Keywords: Management, Organizational Performances, Employee Motivation
Nowadays it is noticeable about home corporations that ensuring the contentment of employees is a real challenge for the managers, or better said, the sustenance of their motivations. The significance of this subject pertains to that theory, which expresses that performance is the multiplicational product of both motivation and capabilities (read more on this theory in for example Vroom 1968, Klein B. – Klein S. 2008). Namely, achieving outstanding organizational performance becomes possible only in those cases, when employees have a sufficient amount of motivation. Shaping up said motivation is greatly on the shoulders of the management, since if they can manage their underlings effectively, the organization may earn great success. The study presents the results of fresh research. I have conducted a survey about leaders of homeland financial institutions in order to obtain research information about the role of management in creating and maintaining motivation within the employees, and what is its coherence with the organizational performance. My subsequent examination consists of what factors induce contentment, and what causes discontent amongst the employees. I am searching for answers for these considerably complex questions. Based on theories of motivation and attitude, I conducted interviews, the results of which I attempt to summarize in this very study and collate it with the results of similar empirical researches.
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