Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 14 September 2020
Rohingya Refugee and Resettlement Nexus in Bangladesh: Why it Become a Research Agenda?
A N M Zakir Hossain
National University of Public Service (Hungary), Bangladesh Agricultural University (Bangladesh)

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Pages: 868-874
Keywords: Rohingya, Refugee, Resettlement, Research, Bangladesh
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are the identity-less parasites in global politics and lives in the densest refugee camps in world history. The financial and institutional support for refugees is challenged due to many unavoidable factors that the world is facing nowadays while the number of refugees and displaced people is increasing all over the world. The article observes the longitudinal and multidimensional factors that led Rohingya as a stateless in the political geography of the world. The study warrant of permanent solutions for the prevailing crises of Rohingya refugee that indicates extensive research on Rohingya. It is also revealed that interdisciplinary and multispectral research can help to identify the ways to help them for their distress voyage. The paper argues for the combination of an array of non-state, state, and other allied actors for the research on Rohingya for their peaceful and permanent settlement in and outside of their country.
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