Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 06 April 2020
Relationship Failure and Divorce Among Nigerian Couples: A Case of Poor Conflict Resolution
Bahire Özad, Gulen Uygarer, Maryam Suleiman Jamo, Simon Okaiyeto
Eastern Mediterranean University (North Cyprus), Near East University (North Cyprus), Eastern Mediterranean University (Northern Turkey), Salem University (Nigeria)

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Pages: 305-312
Keywords: Relationship Failure, Divorce, Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution Constructive Communication
This study aims to find out the causes of poor conflict resolution which can determine the rate of marriage failure and divorce. It is a descriptive research that lays emphasis on survey method. Purposive sampling procedure has been employed to cover the area of study with data obtained from 386 married respondents. Findings reveal that relationship failure and divorce is high. The study identifies that the absence of positive and supportive communication, lack of close interpersonal communication, absence of interest, affection, gratitude and apologies communication, lack of dialogic communication and lack of communality of differences are causes of poor conflict resolution in relationships. The results of the two hypotheses tested reveal that there is a significant relationship between poor conflict resolution with relationship failure and divorce. Also, effective interpersonal communication is significantly related to conflict resolution. In conclusion, the inevitability of conflicts in any form of marriage has been established. Thus, the factors to determine effective conflict resolution among couples are; active use of communication to build a constructive relationship, acceptance and confirming partner's view, affirming and asserting yourself as a partner in a relationship, respect for diversity in relationship and reason rationally then adoption of constructive criticism; embracing dialogic communication, positive and supportive communication, interpersonal communication, and then upholding interest, affection, gratitude and apologies communication are means to amicably resolve conflict in an intimate relationship.
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