Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 24 November 2022
Opposition in Contemporary Indonesia Post-2019 Presidential Election
Firman Noor, Sarah Nuraini Siregar, Ade Wiharso, Amri Yusra
National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia), Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)

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Pages: 55-69
Keywords: Opposition, Democracy, Policy, Checks and Balances
The 1998 reform has sparked new hope for the freedom of opinion and expression. The accompanying rhetoric fuels an encouraging situation for the existence of the opposition. This study analyses the dynamics of the opposition in the post-2019 presidential election. This article describes the existence of the opposition, which comprises two political parties at the government level) and three mass organizations at the community level, as well as evaluates several policies. By using the qualitative method, the primary data was gathered through interviews with several opposition figures and secondary data through documents, scientific articles, and media publications related to the agenda and political attitudes of the opposition parties. This study concludes that the drive to stand in opposition to political parties is not composed to single reason. Instead, this article contends that the motivation for standing in opposition is to serve the role of checks and balances
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