Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 03 September 2020
On the Development Path of Chinese Culture Based on the Theory of Cultural Structure
Lin Dan
Dalian University of Technology, China

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Pages: 806-811
Keywords: Cultural Structure Theory, Chinese Culture, Development Path of Five-in-One
From the perspective of cultural structure theory, the key link of Chinese cultural development and innovation in the new era is to find the specific path, form and method of its integration into modern society. The Five-in-One cultural development path is an organic whole. It enhances the national cultural integration power through education guiding the leading path and enhances the national cultural radiation power through the daily path of public opinion publicity. The two are “exterior and interior” to each other. It enhances the national culture attraction power through the concentrated path of cultural edification and enhances the national culture cohesion power through the fundamental path of practice cultivation. The two are “internal and external” to each other. Through the system guarantee path, we can enhance the national cultural creativity power, which is the bridge connecting “exterior and interior” and “interior and exterior”. The five innovation dimensions jointly construct the Five-in-One cultural development path.
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