Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 10 July 2019
Morphology of Backpacker Dormitory Inside Traditional Balinese House, Canggu Village, Bali, Indonesia
Ni Putu Suda Nurjani, Syamsul Alam Paturusi, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, I Dewa Gede Agung Diasana Putra
Mahendradatta University, Udayana University

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Pages: 489-496
Keywords: Morphology, Dorm, Balinese Architecture, Tourism Area
Traditional Balinese houses have identical values and rituals that are very strong. Bali has a height limit for vertical development. All of building unit height is prohibited more than 15 m. This regulation is the main obstacle to vertical development building in Bali. The increasing visit of backpacker without accompanied expansion of land, encourages people to look for several alternatives in developing accommodation owned. The existence of dormitory is considered to best represent the needs of backpacker travelers who have a low budget. However, the sleeping position of the Balinese who requires head placement in the east or north. Will be very difficult when having to put more than two beds in a room. This research includes explorative qualitative research, where the data collection technique uses a combination of several methods including observation of dormitory in Canggu. Depth interviews with tourist accommodation owners and tourists who occupy also very important to know the change of space. The existing physical dormitory settings are compared with tourist perceptions, so can describe findings of this study with sketch. The chosen design pattern is returned to the accommodation owner to see the value of the space that must be maintained. The results of this study indicate that "Monkey House" is a term used to refer to the form of dormitory. Placement of the bed with a head position must be directed to Luan (east or north orientation). The construction of dormitory in bale dangin (bale adat) is strictly prohibited regarding the ritual function which is accommodated by bale dangin.
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