Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 August 2023
Interdisciplinary Research on the Concept of Self-Help Group: Problematizing Fragmentation of the Theories and Histories
Taizo Yokoyama
Laos-Japan Institute in National University of Laos, Lao PDR

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Pages: 171-184
Keywords: Self-Help Group, Fragmentation, Community Development
The concept of “Self-help group” (SHG) has been attracting scientific focus from different disciplines. In general, SHGs can be objectified as a spontaneous civil initiative leading to formation of collective activities through fostering solidarity to tackle any types of life challenges, such as poverty, gender-inequality, discrimination, and any type of marginalization. Also, different groups have different shared objectives; peer-support on medical conditions or both physical and mental disabilities, alcoholic addiction, and environmental issues shared among local community, just to name a few. This research elucidates how different academic disciplines separately analyze SHGs without enough inter-reference and problematizes a fragmentation of SHGs research caused by a lack of interdisciplinary approach, ending in failure of constructive studies. In conclusion, the author reveals a possible framework to grasp the whole picture of SHGs.
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