Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 01 June 2023
Indonesia-India Maritime Cooperation: Implications on Indonesia's Maritime Security from a Cultural Perspective
Tantahara, I Wayan Midhio
Indonesian Defense University, Indonesia

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Pages: 125-134
Keywords: Indonesia-India Maritime Cooperation, Maritime Security, Cultural Dimensions, Shared Heritage, Trust, Cooperation
Indonesia and India have been enjoying a long-standing relationship, rooted in cultural, historical, and economic ties. In recent years, the two nations have increasingly cooperated in the maritime sector, recognizing the potential of their vast coastlines and maritime resources. This paper examines the implications of Indonesia-India maritime cooperation on Indonesia's maritime security from a cultural dimension. The study adopts a qualitative approach, analyzing existing literature, reports, and policy documents to provide an in-depth understanding of the cultural dimensions of Indonesia-India maritime cooperation. The research highlights the shared cultural heritage of the two nations, including their maritime traditions, customs, and practices, which have enabled them to build trust and cooperation in the maritime domain. The paper explores the impact of Indonesia-India maritime cooperation on Indonesia's maritime security, examining the challenges and opportunities that arise from such cooperation. The study argues that cultural factors, such as shared values, beliefs, and norms, have played a crucial role in facilitating cooperation between the two nations, resulting in a positive impact on Indonesia's maritime security. The paper concludes by offering recommendations for strengthening Indonesia-India maritime cooperation from a cultural perspective, emphasizing the need to recognize and leverage the cultural dimensions of this cooperation to enhance maritime security in the region.
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