Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 09 May 2023
Implementation of the New Public Service in the Licensing Process
Berryan Aulia Umam Jayanegara, Soleh Suryadi, Ali Anwar
Pasundan University, Indonesia

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Pages: 62-84
Keywords: New Public Service, Building Permit, One-Stop Integrated Service, Bekasi City, Licensing
This study discusses the implementation of the principles of the New Public Service (NPS) in the public service of the Bekasi City Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service, by taking a case study of making a building permit (IMB) for hotels and restaurants, which is motivated by the findings of BPK-RI audit report dated July 5, 2019 Number 01/XVIIII.BKS/07/2019 on the service performance and supervision of the Bekasi City DPMPTSP. Therefore, the problem in this research is: the implementation of licensing by the apparatus at the Bekasi City DPMPTSP in making the IMB has not been effective because it does not use the New Public Service principle. This study aims to critically analyze why the implementation of licensing by the state apparatus in the Bekasi City DPMPTSP is not effective, so it is hoped that a new concept will be born as a solution to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of licensing by state officials at the Bekasi City DPMPTSP on the basis of the New Public Service (NPS) paradigm. .The research method used is a qualitative method with case study techniques, through collecting data from primary and secondary sources. Primary data was obtained from 10 informants, and secondary data was obtained from various documents, journals, scientific works, and others. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of licensing by the State apparatus in DPMPTSP Bekasi City is not effective
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